NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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Understanding Understanding – The Expert Blind Spot

The “Expert Blind Spot” refers to the tendency to forget how much you know, how challenging a subject matter can be to a novice, to…

March 23, 2021

Many a False Step Is Made by Standing Still

Even when you are on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Doing nothing (aka Decision by Indecision) is still…

March 18, 2021

WAIT: Why Am I Talking?

Given that we learn most when we listen and nada when we talk, why do we choose to talk? All too often, it is a…

March 16, 2021

Base Metal into Gold; Weakness into Strength: Mental Alchemy

As far back as 300 AD, the ancients wrote of a “philosopher’s stone” that could transmute base metal into gold. Well, I can’t tell you how to spin gold…

March 11, 2021

You Can’t Hide You

Just like you cannot not communicate, you can’t hide you either. Your daily behavior teaches your values; every action reveals the belief system that motivates…

March 9, 2021

The Folly of Self-Doubting

“I don’t believe anyone ever suspects how completely unsure I am of my work and myself and what tortures of self-doubting the doubt of others…

March 4, 2021

Know-it-All vs. Learn-it-All: Which Are You?

Few would out and out admit to being a know-it-all; the trap most fall for is far more subtle. We are justifiable proud of our…

March 2, 2021

When Setting Goals, Be Careful not to Set Limits as Well

It’s ironic but when we set goals, we can inadvertently set limits as well. When you hit your goal, is that your internal signal to…

February 25, 2021

Hard Work Alone is Never Enough

Much has been made of the theory that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill. The idea was popularized by Malcolm Gladwell…

February 23, 2021

Learned Helplessness, Learned Effectiveness

Learned Helplessness is a mental belief that you are unable change a situation and a resulting unwillingness to continue trying; a sense of powerlessness that…

February 18, 2021

Dreams are Easy

Anyone can have a dream and anyone can daydream their life away. But are you willing to commit to a viable action plan to make…

February 16, 2021

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