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Making Your Own Luck
Luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity. Relentlessly increasing your skill sets (Preparation!) certainly increases the scope of the opportunities you can jump on;…
May 1, 2018
Preparing to Be Calm
Curbing my “intensity” has long been one of my personal/professionally growth goals and it is SO easy to fall for the “argue for your weakness…
April 26, 2018
Five Sure Fire Ways to Make Yourself Unhappy
1. Put Your Sense of Self-Worth into the hands of others. Never, ever let others define you or set your goals or priorities. “My Sense…
April 24, 2018
Best Reason Ever to Embrace Failure
Embrace Failure? Hug it? Love on it? What? Well, given that failure has occurred (and I assure you, it will occur again… and again… and…
April 12, 2018
Tell Me I’m Not Good Enough. Tell Me I Can’t. Tell Me You Don’t Think I’ve Got What It Takes. Please.
What motivates you? What puts fire in your belly? Fuels you? Stirs your blood? Failure defeats the mediocre but inspires winners to greater effort. The…
April 5, 2018
Upgrade Your “Attributional Style”
Assume the Best, NOT the Worst! Upgrade Your “Attributional style” Stuff Happens! Phone calls don’t always get answered or promptly returned, things do get forgotten.…
March 27, 2018
Staying Open
To maintain the civilized dialogue which is essential to a functioning democracy, avoid responding with ad hominem attacks on those whose views differ from yours,…
March 15, 2018
Ways to Analyze Real Estate Deals
What metrics do you use when analyzing a real estate deal? There are many ways to look at deals; which deal is best varies with…
February 20, 2018
How We Respond to Adversity Can Create Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
How do you view setbacks? As learning opportunity or as failure? Do you view your capabilities as fixed, somewhat set at birth, essentially carved in…
February 8, 2018
Beware Your Reflexive Response!
Always choose a positive AND effective response. Does your response improve the situation? Move you toward your goals? Life happens in the sum of small…
January 18, 2018
Declining Drama’s Distraction
Drama can be incredibly alluring, attracting our attention, pulling us in with its siren song. The swirling emotions trigger our interest and emotions yet like…
January 16, 2018