Complete List of Blog Posts by Nathan S. Collier

1131 ) Count Your Blessings!
1130 ) Give Up Your Suffering
1129 ) Are You Willing to Pay the Price?
1128 ) The #1 Reason People Do Not Succeed in Life
1127 ) All the Answers Have Been Found
1126 ) Is an A Really a B?
1125 ) Four Ways to Make it Easy for Luck to Find You
1124 ) On the Downside of “Following (Mindlessly) Your Passion”
1123 ) Three Reasons to Beware the Advice of Successful People
1122 ) The Problem with Problem Solving
1121 ) The Farther Reaches of Human Nature
1120 ) Do You Believe it is Possible to Overcome the Past?
1119 ) Embracing Temporary Failure
1118 ) The “I Need” Syndrome
1117 ) Titles Don’t Make a Leader, Six Principles of Leadership That Do
1116 ) On the Importance of Being a Good Bad Loser
1115 ) The Joy of Satisficing
1114 ) The Little Big Difference
1113 ) “The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way”
1112 ) That’s NOT Love
1111 ) It Takes a Hot Fire to Forge Steel
1110 ) Are You Captious?
1109 ) Success: The Cliffs Notes Version
1108 ) Beware The Invisible Gorilla
1107 ) Where Does the Baton Get Dropped?
1106 ) Walk Behind the Buildings
1105 ) The Incredible Power of Impossible Goals: How Aspirational Should We Be?
1104 ) If Happiness is a Thermostat, How Do I Raise It?
1103 ) Ten People at a Meeting Is About Seven Too Many
1102 ) Creating Your Destiny
1101 ) The Positive Uses of False Memory
1100 ) Is Unhappiness the Secret to Happiness?
1099 ) The Wisdom of Doubt
1098 ) Take the Extra One!
1097 ) Ugly Thoughts Show in Your Face
1096 ) Creating Your Destiny
1095 ) You Must Remember This
1094 ) Our Fears or Our Dreams? Which Defines Us?
1093 ) In Praise of Duck Moments
1092 ) The Bright Side is the Right Side
1091 ) You Must Remember This
1090 ) Success Begins at Home: Every Child a Wanted Child
1089 ) Did It Change Your Happiness?
1088 ) Few are Born Great
1087 ) Along the Calf-Paths of the Mind
1086 ) Micawber’s Principle
1085 ) Choose the Smile
1084 ) Who Needs Enemies When You Have Yourself? Ending Self-Sabotaging Behavior Once and for All
1083 ) Smart Swaps
1082 ) Those Words Branded My Soul
1081 ) Active Listening: Listening to Understand
1080 ) Beware Inertia Spending
1079 ) There’s Gotta Be a Little Rain Sometime
1078 ) Self Discipline: The Breakfast of Champions
1077 ) Living with the Power of Self Knowledge: Humans are not rational decision making machines, duh!
1076 ) The Incessant Maintenance of the Highest Standards, Relentless Insistence on Effort and Attention to Details” The Incessant Maintenance of the Highest Standards, Relentless Insistence on Effort and Attention to Details”
1075 ) Acknowledge The Power of Your Thoughts: Where your mind goes, your actions follow
1074 ) The Resilient Power of Creating an Oscillating Narrative with an Upward Trend
1073 ) Deep Learning
1072 ) The Happiness Advantage
1071 ) Mindfulness
1070 ) Four-Way Test
1069 ) “The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results,” by Bobby Knight
1068 ) 16 Things Happy People Do Differently
1067 ) Skip the Complaining, Go Straight to the Explaining
1066 ) Beware Fundamental Attribution Error
1065 ) The Stories That Bond Us, Strengthen Us
1064 ) Faith-Based Spending
1063 ) Cool Thoughts, Hot Thoughts
1062 ) The Fallacy of Reductio ad Absurdum
1061 ) Motivated Ignorance
1060 ) No Excuses: Lives of Inspiration
1059 ) You Gotta Ask
1058 ) Civility is Contagious…but so is Being Nasty
1057 ) Be the Orange
1056 ) How Would Others Rate Your Social Competence?
1055 ) The Awesome Power of Deep Trust
1054 ) “How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character”
1053 ) Self Awareness: Super Achiever’s Secret
1052 ) That Loving Feeling Takes a Lot of Work
1051 ) One Hundred Days of Rejection
1050 ) Managing Your Energy Pie
1049 ) Six Universal Principles of Influence and Persuasion
1048 ) Savoring Ability: How Good Are You? Four Proven Ways to Get Even Better
1047 ) Broken Windows: Why the Little Things Can Be Big Things
1046 ) Just Because You Meet a Jerk, Don’t Become a Jerk: Avoiding Petty Revenge; Turning the Other Cheek
1045 ) The Power of Negative Thinking
1044 ) Four Things To Look for in a Great Hire
1043 ) Don’t Waste Time on Things That Don’t Matter With People Who Matter
1042 ) A Mentor’s Questions
1041 ) Warm Woolen Socks: Saving the Environment, One Thermostat Setting At a Time
1040 ) Five Power Thoughts for 2013
1039 ) So easy when I want to. So hard when I don’t.
1038 ) If Not Now, When?
1037 ) Excuse Me! Your Life is Waiting!
1036 ) Yesterday You Said Tomorrow
1035 ) Time to START
1034 ) Next Play
1033 ) 5 Rules for Happiness
1032) Think Cost CONTROL Not Cost Cutting: Effective Cost Management Does NOT Always Mean Finding the Least Expensive
1031) Are You Coachable?
1030 ) Zig Ziglar, 86 (Nov. 6, 1926–Nov. 28, 2012)
1029 ) The Power of Framing
1028 ) Silence is Permission, Silence is Consent, Silence is Acceptance
1027 ) A Day of Thanks, Moments of Perspective
1026 ) Count Your Blessings: Make it Truly a Day of Thanksgiving
1025 ) Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
1024 ) What is your 生き甲斐 ?
1023 ) Choose or Lose
1022 ) Confirming Satisfaction and Creating Closure: Key Customer Service Checkpoint
1021 ) Dominance, Dependence, Detachment: Three Responses to Life
1020 ) The Pleasant Life, The Good Life, and The Meaningful Life
1019 ) Look in the Mirror
1018 ) Code of the West
1017 ) Quality is NOT Goodness, or Even Excellence
1016 ) Sugar Coating Only Causes Calories: Three Keys to Difficult Conversations
1015 ) In Praise of Epistemological Modesty1014 ) The Joys of Radical Acceptance
1013 ) You Can’t Make Money by Going Broke—if it ain’t accretive to earnings, why do it?
1012 ) Why Not You?
1011 ) It’s the NET in Net Operating Income (NOI) that counts
1010 ) Beware the Law of Unintended Consequences
1009 ) Successful Failure
1008 ) The Power of Negative Thinking
1007 ) Harnessing Activation Energy
1006 ) Daily Strokes of Effort
1005 ) The Comma
1004 ) Avoid Defensive Bristling: It’s Not About Being Right but Getting it Right
1003 ) Meet Like a CEO: The Higher You Go, The Shorter the Meeting
1002 ) Under-Indulgence
1001 ) Using Tiger Woods’s Clubs Every Day of Your Life
1000 ) Self-Handicapping
999 ) An Absolute Fiend for Preparation
998 ) Feedback: The Fuel of Champions
997 ) Tips to Tame E-Mail
996 ) First IQ, Then EQ, and Now PQ
995 ) In Memorium, Stephen R. Covey
994 ) Triage: Can You Walk The Line?
993 ) You’ve Got to Lose Sleep at Night
992 ) Six Powerful Principles of Persuasion
991 ) Peter Drucker on Leadership
990 ) Myers-Briggs Doesn’t Lie, I’m an Introvert
989 ) Opportunity Meetings
988 ) How to Fail
987 ) The Importance of Sitzfleisch
986 ) How to Get Ahead in Business
985 ) Tickler File: A Busy Person’s Best Friend
984 ) How to Earn Your Boss’s Respect
983 ) No Whining Please
982 ) What Made Us Great? Do We Still Have It?
981 ) A Culture of Belief
980 ) How Will You Measure Your Life?
979 ) Motivation and the Two-Factor Theory
978 ) Following Feynman’s First Principle
977 ) Muda, Mura, Muri
976 ) Wantology
975 ) “The First 20 Minutes”
974 ) Repeatability: Staying True to Your Core
973 ) Fuerte en la Cabeza
972 ) Pre-Fail
971 ) Errors: Inevitable? Maybe. Acceptable? Never!
970 ) In Praise of (Some) Irrational Thinking
969 ) Push Yourself
968 ) Hunt the Good Stuff
967 ) Experience Goods, Credence Goods, Search Goods
966 ) Workafrolics
965 ) The Quiet Eye
964 ) Don’t Be a Knocker
963 ) The Reverse Peter Principle: Doing More, Managing Less
962 ) Why Smart People Do Dumb Things: Good Intentions Gone Awry
961 ) Losing Sight of the Stock Market’s Noble Mission
960 ) 10 Secrets to a Stress-Resistant Life…Plus a Bonus (part 2)
959 ) 10 Secrets to a Stress-Resistant Life…Plus a Bonus (part 1)
958 ) Nothing Fails Like Success (at least when it comes to stock funds)
957 ) What Makes for the Good Life?
956 ) How To Live Like a Genius
955 ) The Myth of Hard Work
954 ) Interest Deficit Disorder
953 ) We All Are Accountable
952 ) Ten Rules For Happiness (Two at a Time), Rules 9 & 10
951 ) Ten Rules For Happiness (Two at a Time), Rules 7 & 8
950 ) Ten Rules For Happiness (Two at a Time), Rules 5 & 6
949 ) Ten Rules For Happiness (Two at a Time), Rules 3 & 4
948 ) Ten Rules For Happiness (Two at a Time), Rules 1 & 2
947 ) “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” — Peter F. Drucker
946 ) The Tyranny of Low Expectations
945 ) The Power of Nothing
944 ) “Thinking, Fast and Slow”
943 ) The Change Your Life App: Four Lines That Work
942 ) Do the Numbers Sing to You?
941 ) Feel Strongly, Respond Rationally (A Populist-Capitalist Blog)
940 ) Choose Happiness, Live Lots Longer. Promise.
939 ) Four Thoughts on Teamwork
938 ) Unrealistic or Visionary? (It’s a thin line…)
937 ) If Not Now, When?
936 ) Excuse Me! Your Life is Waiting!
935 ) Yesterday You Said Tomorrow
934 ) Time to START
933 ) It’s the System, Silly
932 ) 100,000 Americans Die…
931 ) They Had No Right to Win
930 ) After-Action Report
929 ) Not My Job vs. 360-Degree Awareness
928 ) Impossible is Only in Your Mind
927 ) Matrix Reporting Relationships Explained (aka Dotted-Line Responsibility)
926 ) Love Me or Love Money, Not Both?
925 ) No Slackers, Downers, or Jerks Need Apply
924 ) Limitless Living: 100-Year-Old Marathoner Finishes Race
923 ) What Gets In Your Way?
922 ) It’s the Mind That Matters
921 ) Creative Dreaming vs. Magical Thinking
920 ) False Comfort: The Allure of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
919 ) Hard Work Required
918 ) Unconscious Living
917 ) Pursing Gold While Still Following the Golden Rule
916 ) Instant Popularity In Six Steps. Guaranteed.
915 ) On “Willpower: The Greatest Human Strength,” by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney
914 ) The Drum Major Instinct
913 ) 3 Rules for Surviving Chronic Complainers
912 ) Cultivating a World Class State of Mind
911 ) Decision Fatigue: How to Be Your Best Self Always
910 ) “The Happiness Equation”
909 ) Keep It Friendly, Live Longer
908 ) Accepting Criticism Without Defending
907 ) Are You T Shaped?
906 ) EQ Genius: Making the 1,000th Feel Like the First
905 ) Gold Medal Performance: Smiling on the Balance Beam
904 ) 10,000 Times: The Cumulative Power of Small Actions
903 ) “A little girl and her father…”
902 ) Back Seat Faith
901 ) A Commander’s Creed: Netanyahu and the Raid on Entebbe
900 ) Four Phrases, Ten Words (classic)
899 ) Leisure Sickness: Can Vacations Be Bad For You?
898 ) The Joys of Simplicity (classic)
897 ) Who Controls Your Future?
896 ) The Power of an Auteur
895 ) If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority (classic)
894 ) Life is About Choices
893 ) If it were easy, everyone would do it… (classic)
892 ) Reality Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings
891 ) “The Pied Piper of Happiness”
890 ) Tooth to Tail Ratio (classic)
889 ) Six Days a Week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
888 ) What Didn’t You Do? (classic)
887 ) Beyond Calories
886 ) Trying Differently (classic)
885 ) Bright Burns the Candle: The High of Commitment, The Power of a Goal
884 ) Be a little kinder than you need to be… (classic)
883 ) Cafe Gratitude
882 ) The Full Story (classic)
881 ) We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us
880 ) Systemize Your Success (classic)
879 ) Allotrion
878 ) An Easy Way to Avoid Learning (classic)
877 ) We do these things because…
876 ) Attitudes are Contagious (classic)
875 ) Less Stress, More Success
874 ) The Pros Make it Look Easy: On The Importance of Doing a Great Job AND Looking Great While You Do It (classic)
873 ) Fostering The Hardy Personality
872 ) Listen to the Behavior (classic)
871 ) The Power of the Ask
870 ) …A Time to Fold ‘Em (classic)
869 ) 10 Minutes to Change
868 ) There Is a Reason To Do Every Deal… (classic)
867 ) No Moseyers Need Apply
866 ) “There is a tide in the affairs of men… ”(classic)
865 ) Harvest Joy, Harvest Miracles
864 ) The Grass is Always Greener (classic)
863 ) Always Present Options: Focus on what you can do, rather than what you can’t do (classic)
862 ) Live the Questions
861 ) Accessing Collective Intelligence (classic)
860 ) Happy Your Way Through Problems
859 ) Responsible = Response Able (classic)
858 ) Don’t See The Wall
857 ) The Shortcomings of Superman (classic)
856 ) What You Seek, You Find
855 ) Expect Success, Plan for Failure (classic)
854 ) Are You Sleeping Through the Good Parts?
853 ) Coat & Tie vs. Global Warming: Which One Wins? (classic)
852 ) Positivism: Solution-Oriented Thinking
851 ) You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play (classic)
850 ) Beyond Happiness?
849 ) Debt: Friend or Foe? (classic)
848 ) Becoming a Self-Directed Learner: A Key to Super-Powered Living
847 ) Hurry Sickness
846 ) Four Ways to Spend Money (classic)
845 ) Order, Yes. Bureaucracy, No!
844 ) A Plug For Contentment (classic)
843 ) An Entrepreneur’s Questions
842 ) Selling Sizzling Steak: Performance Plus Promotion (classic)
841 ) When Should You Lie to Yourself?
840 ) Lying About Your Vegetables (classic)
839 ) Benefits of Part-Time Optimism
838 ) Take a Deep Breath. Stretch. (classic)
837 ) What is Your Coping Mechanism?
836 ) No Individual Raindrop Takes Responsibility But the Flood Still Happens (classic)
835 ) False Gods: Worshiping Numbers
834 ) Don’t Let the Other Side Rent Space in Your Head: Winning the Mental Game (classic)
833 ) It’s DUMB to Give Away Your Happiness
832 ) Use Your “I & R” (classic)
831 ) Obstacles of Our Own Creation
830 ) Does Screaming Improve Behavior? An Error in Intuition (classic)
829 ) “Obliquity”: The Long Way Around May Be The Best
828 ) We Change When We Want To (classic)
827 ) Don’t Give In To The Wall
826 ) One Thing Boldly Different Every Day (classic)
825 ) Five Ways Ordinary People Create Extraordinary Success
824 ) We See the World As We Are, We See the World We Expect To See (classic)
823 ) Nullus In Verba
822 ) Expect The Best. Inspect for What You Expect. (classic)
821 ) Focusing Effect
820 ) Do Not Block the Many Because of the Few (classic)
819 ) Whole Hearted People
818 ) If There Is Nothing To Do, Do Nothing (classic)
817 ) Avoiding Path Dependence: Just How Smart Are You?
816 ) Words Matter
815 ) Stretch Goals (classic)
814 ) Rules: For the Guidance of the Wise
813 ) In Praise of Incremental Failure
812 ) Opportunity Costs: The Road Not Taken (classic)
811 ) The Peace of Self-Compassion vs. The Fear of Self-Indulgence
810 ) You’ve Got Time to Lean, You’ve Got Time to Clean (classic)
809 ) “Undefended Love”
808 ) Everywhere You Go, There You Are (classic)
807 ) The Maladaptive Perfectionist
806 ) Irrational Fears? (classic)
805 ) The Adaptive Perfectionist
804 ) Emotion is Energy in Motion (classic)
803 ) Walking Between Raindrops
802 ) Stress Is Not an Event. It Is a Chosen Reaction to an Event (classic)
801 ) MRI = Most Respectful Interpretation
800 ) Excusitis (classic)
799 ) Beyond Galton’s Wall
798 ) Make It a Game (classic)
797 ) The Joys of the Undefended Self
796 ) “I Intend To…” (classic)
795 ) Broadcast Your Mistakes
794 ) The Will to Win is Important, But the Will to Prepare is Vital (classic)
793 ) The Dance of Intimacy Revisited
792 ) Argue For Your Weakness and It’s Yours (classic)
791 ) Presumption of Merit
790 ) You Can’t Talk Your Way Out of What You’ve Behaved Yourself Into (classic)
789 ) Personal Brand
788 ) If You Squeeze An Orange, You Don’t Get Lemon Juice (classic)
787 ) A Ton of Bricks
786 ) What Do You Do When You Do Nothing? (classic)
785 ) Regret Minimalization
784 ) We All Go the Same Distance in Life… (classic)
783 ) What I Learned From That
782 ) All Actions Teach the Belief System That Motivates Them (classic)
781 ) Who Do You Think You Are?
780 ) Can You Summon Your Talent at Will? (classic)
779 ) Blame No, Responsibility Yes
778 ) Rationalize = Rational Lies (classic)
777 ) Dream It, Do It
776 ) Plans Are Useless, But Planning Is Invaluable (classic)
775 ) Forgiving Thoughts = Gentle World
774 ) Becoming Your Own Best Friend (classic)
773 ) Affirmations: Stepping Stones to Greatness
772 ) A Story to Restore Your Faith in Humanity (classic)
771 ) Don’t Do It Yourself
770 ) Things Turn Out Best for Those Who Make the Best of How Things Turn Out” (classic)
769 ) You Are the Programmer
768 ) “I am the one I’ve been waiting for…” (classic)
767 ) Tail Enders
766 ) “The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking” (classic)
765 ) The 100-Day To-Do List
764 ) Creating Value vs. Transferring Value (classic)
763 ) No ANTs at the Picnic, Please
762 ) “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” (classic)
761 ) Nicole Kidman: “Waste Not, Want Not”
760 ) If Not Now, When? (classic)
759 ) Excuse Me! Your Life is Waiting! (classic)
758 ) Yesterday You Said Tomorrow (classic)
757 ) Time to START (classic)
756 ) Calculated Risk (classic)
755 ) Reprogramming the Procrastinator Personality
754 ) Asking Effective Questions (classic)
753 ) Wisdom on the Fly
752 ) Dealing with Business Risk (classic)
751 ) Live Long and Prosper: Your Choice
750 ) Personal Power vs. Positional Power (classic)
749 ) Written Communication Skills: The Importance of Simplicity
748 ) The Social Contract (classic)
747 ) Style vs. Substance: Art of the Skillful Skeptic
746 ) Memo to My Company (classic)
745 ) Lean and Hungry
744 ) A Nation of Sheep?
743 ) Over Treated (classic)
742 ) What Don’t You Want to Think About?
741 ) Simple Ideas, Complex Execution (classic)
740 ) Think Like a Street Kid
739 ) One Worry (classic)
738 ) Holiday Advice: Drink Up! (Water That Is)
737 ) R-E-S-P-E-C-T
736 ) Today is a New Day… (classic)
735 ) Too Easy = Harder?
734 ) Every Yes is a No (classic)
733 ) The Not So Sorry Sorry, or the Apology That is Not an Apology
732 ) Don’t Solve the Problem, Build the Problem Solver
731 ) To Know and Not Do Is To Not Know (classic)
730 ) Directing the Monkey Mind
729 ) Mental Muscles (classic)
728 ) Conflict Avoidance: Passive—Aggressive Coping Mechanism
727 ) Waste Not, Want Not
726 ) Hard Drives Out Soft (classic)
725 ) Star Tasks vs. Guardian Tasks: Harvard Business Review and Pirates
724 ) The Courage to Lead: I’m Still a Work in Progress, Always Will Be (classic)
723 ) Profound Change
722 ) Meditating on the Move
721 ) Small Secrets (classic)
720 ) Feedforward
719 ) Cold Stoves: Learning the Right Lesson (classic)
718 ) Spiritual Economics
717 ) No Question Poker
716 ) Harriet Lerner’s “The Dance of Intimacy” (classic)
715 ) The Big Forgive
714 ) Never Major in Minor Things (classic)
713 ) You Are Not Trapped
712 ) Staying Hungry
711 ) The Downside of the Relentless Pursuit of the Perfect Leader (classic)
710 ) The Power of One
709 ) Learning Your Learning Style (classic)
708 ) The Wolf at the Door
707 ) Attitude Is the Edge
706 ) Thirty Methods: Overcoming Three Big Mistakes. Mistake #3: Assume That Good Example And Relationship Are Sufficient
705 ) Power of Praise, Redux
704 ) Always Assume Positive Intent (classic)
703 ) Micro-Victories
702 ) Frugality: Both Sexy and Smart?
701 ) Thirty Methods: Overcoming Three Big Mistakes. Mistake #2: Attempt to Build/Rebuild Relationships Without Changing Conduct or Attitude
700 ) Taking the High Road
699 ) Make It a Game (classic)
698 ) In Praise of Humble Beginnings
697 ) Self-Stability: “The Key Thing”
696 ) Thirty Methods: Overcoming Three Big Mistakes. Mistake #1: Advise Before Understand
695 ) Opportunity vs. Impossibility Mindset
694 ) Beware “Competitive Arousal” (Classic)
693 ) Can Conflict Be a Good Thing?
692 ) Shinrin-yoku
691 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #30 Let Natural Consequences Teach Responsible Behavior
690 ) Many Hands Make Light Work
689 ) Celebrating Everyday Heroes (Classic)
688 ) “Pleased But Not Satisfied”
687 ) Present Moment: Friend or Foe?
686 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #29 Train Them in the Law of the Harvest
685 ) “The Secret Door To Success,” Florence Scovel Shinn
684 ) Three Kinds of People (Classic)
683 ) A Light Bulb or a Gun?
682 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #28 Involve People in Meaningful Projects
681 ) 100%/0%
680 ) Creating Value vs. Transferring Value (Classic)
679 ) “How Pleasure Works: The New Science of Why We Like What We Like,” by Paul Bloom
678 ) Just How Big an Ego Do You Need to be a Leader?
677 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #27 Delegate Effectively
676 ) Feet of Clay? It’s Okay!
675 ) Fear: An Entrepreneur’s Best Friend (Classic)
674 ) The Extra Degree
673 ) Frugal Innovation
672 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #26 Speak the Languages of Logic and Emotion
671 ) “Hold Fast Your Dreams”
670 ) What is your HLP? (Highest Leverage Point) (Classic)
669 ) Are You Willing to Change?
668 ) “As If Fear Never Entered His Mind”
667 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #25 Be There At the Crossroads
666 ) “No, it’s too hard. Forget it, no way you can do it.”
665 ) Memo to My Company: Please, please promise never to do this to our customers! (Classic)
664 ) Why Are Destructive Habits So Hard to Break?
663 ) Who Would You Be Without Your Body?
662 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #24 Don’t Give Up, and Don’t Give In
661 ) We Are Meant To Be Different
660 ) The Blind Men and The Elephant (Classic)
659 ) Racquetball and Life
658 ) The Genius of Collective Intelligence
657 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #23 Agree on the Limits, Rules, Expectations, and Consequences
656 ) We Are Just Dealing With Thoughts, and Thoughts Can Be Changed
655 ) To Know and Not Do Is To Not Know (Classic)
654 ) The Point of Power is Always in the Present Moment
653 ) Populist-Capitalist: Behind the Wizard of Oz’s Curtain
652 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #22 Recognize and Take Time to Teach
651 ) Multipliers vs. Diminishers
650 ) Budgets: Avoiding an Exercise in Illusion (Classic)
649 ) “Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work”
648 ) “You Are Never Safe”
647 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #21 Avoid Fight or Flight, Talk Through Differences
646 ) “Personal Power Through Awareness”
645 ) Principled Profit (Classic)
644 ) Can You Control Your Mind?
643 ) “The Narrow Road”
642 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #20 Prepare Your Mind and Heart Before You Prepare Your Speech
641 ) Stand By Me
640 ) Continuous Change: 1000%, 1% at a Time
639 ) Skepticism: Balancing Gullibility and Cynicism
638 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #19 Accept the Person and the Situation
637 ) The Freedom of Enough
636 ) Making a Difference (Classic)
635 ) “The Luck Factor”
634 ) How NOT To Live To Be 100
633 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #18 Be Influenced By Them First
632 ) “When Ideas Have Sex”
631 ) EQ: The Beginning of Rapport and a Relationship (Classic)
630 ) “Your Money or Your Life”
629 ) Pop-Cap: The Common Tasks
628 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #17 Renew Your Commitment to Things You Have in Common
627 ) The Unexpected Benefits of Frugality
626 ) A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste (Classic)
625 ) “No Room for Failure, No Room for Laziness”
624 ) “My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.”
623 ) “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”
622 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #15 Let Arguments Fly Out Open Windows
621 ) The Limits of Policy Manuals
620 ) Kill Your Television! (Classic)
619 ) Pop-Cap: Illusions of Substance
618 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #14 Admit Your Mistakes, Apologize, Ask for Forgiveness
617 ) Ask! They Won’t Always Tell You What You Want To Know
616 ) The Grass Is Always Greener (Classic)
615 ) Reversible Destiny: “Do Not Go Gentle”
614 ) The Complaint Diet: Act or Accept but Never Complain
613 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #13 If Offended, Take the Initiative
612 ) 10 Ways to Live to 100
611 ) Expect Success, Plan for Failure (Classic)
610 ) Your Tendency Is Not Your Destiny
609 ) Book Smarts vs. Street Smarts: “Rethinking the MBA”
608 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #12 Give an Understanding Response
607 ) Birthday
606 ) Broken Windows: Why the Little Things Can Be Big Things (Classic)
605 ) Is an A Really a B?
604 ) Pop-Cap: Looters in Loafers
603 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #11 Reward Open, Honest Expressions or Questions
602 ) 5 Things You Cannot Change
601 ) You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play
600 ) The 5 A’s We All Need
599 ) Pop-Cap: The Downside of Perfect Remembering
598 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #10 Seek First to Understand
597 ) Entrepreneur’s Manifesto
596 ) Pack Your Own Weight (Classic)
595 ) “Annals of Gullibility: Why We Get Duped and How to Avoid It”
594 ) Pop-Cap: Balancing the Budget by Sacrificing Sacred Cows
593 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #9 Assume the Best of Others
592 ) The Paradox of the Happy Peasant
591 ) “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” (Classic)
590 ) 50 Ways to Leave Your Past
589 ) Everyday Leaders
588 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #8 Live the Law of Love
587 ) The Power of Personal Myth
586 ) Every Yes Is a No (Classic)
585 ) Change Your Story, Change Your Life
584 ) The Importance of Being a Good Follower
583 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #7 Focus on the Circle of Influence
582 ) A Driving Fear of Failure
581 ) Personal Power vs. Positional Power (Classic)
580 ) Entrepreneurship: Can It Be Taught?
579 ) Why Not Us?
578 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #6 Keep the Promises You Make to Others
577 ) Victim No More: Turning Weakness into Strengths
576 ) 360-Degree Feedback (Classic)
575 ) Business Has a Noble Purpose
574 ) 5 Sentences Please: The Concise Guy Kawasaki
573 ) Not Happy Yet? Just Wait!
572 ) 360-Degree Leadership (Classic)
571 ) Ten Good Rules
570 ) Choosing Peace of Mind
569 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #4 Perform Anonymous Service
568 ) Little Touches Mean a Lot
567 ) Principles of Communication (Classic)
566 ) “The Genius in All of Us”
565 ) Ineffable
564 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #3 Distinguish between the person and the behavior or performance.
563 ) TCC Culture: Entrepreneurship Defined (and Embraced!)
562 ) EQ: The Beginning of Rapport and a Relationship (Classic)
561 ) Riding for the Brand
560 ) PopCap: Painting Over Rust
559 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #2 Exercise Patience With Others
558 ) The Esteemable Value of Emotional Labor
557 ) TCC Culture: We Hold Ourselves Accountable: We Expect the Best and We Regularly Inspect for What We Expect
556 ) Happiness Is a Skill
555 ) PopCap: CEO 101: Manage Appearances, Ignore Reality
554 ) 30 Methods of Influence: #1 Refrain from saying the unkind or negative thing
553 ) Getting Past the Past
552 ) What Are You CEO Of?
551 ) “Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars: Destroying the Barriers that Turn Colleagues into Competitors,” by Patrick Lenocioni
550 ) PopCap: Big Brother Can Be a Bully
549 ) “Don’t Believe Everything You Think”
548 ) “Excuses Begone!” by Wayne Dyer
547 ) “Fascinate,” Sally Hogshead Style
546 ) PopCap: Einstein and CEO Pay
545 ) The Path to Happiness: Cliffs Notes Version
544 ) Everything You Say is an Affirmation
543 ) Learned Optimism and Explanatory Styles
542 ) PopCap: The Non-Apology Apology
541 ) The Secret of Happiness is…
540 ) The Grass is Greener on the Other Side of the Fence Because…
539 ) True Cost
538 ) The Scientific Method: Beliefs vs. Verifiable Facts
537 ) “Psycho-Cybernetics,” Maxwell Maltz, and Self Image
536 ) WSJ: Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work?
535 ) Positive Thinking vs. Magical Thinking
534 ) More Than a Job
533 ) Who Would I Be Without That Belief?
532 ) Leadership and Perceptions of Power
531 ) Permissive Never Produced Greatness
530 ) The Perils of Ageism
529 ) The Power of Internal Validation
528 ) Experts Often Aren’t (Take 2)
527 ) “Old Habits Bedevil”
526 ) What Difference Do You Make?
525 ) Exceed Expectations
524 ) Experts Often Aren’t: Expertise (and Experts) Are Over Rated
523 ) Emotional Intelligence
522 ) PopCap: Heads Taxpayers Lose, Tails Goldman Wins
521 ) Fatalism vs. Future Orientation
520 ) Good Example Matters
519 ) 68 Rules, or Three Principles That Matter?
518 ) Questions Are The Answer
517 ) Waste Not, Want Not
516 ) If Not Now, When?
515 ) Choose Your Pain
514 ) What If We Are Wrong?
513 ) The Helper’s High
512 ) Work Ethic: A Not So Small Thing That Makes A Big Difference
511 ) The Principles We Live By
510 ) PopCap: Overcriminalization
509 ) Go Play In Traffic
508 ) PopCap: The Hokey Pokey And Hate Crimes
507 ) Urban Meyer: Choose A Story, Choose A Life
506 ) “Finding The Freedom Of Self-Control”
505 ) Do Unto Others: The Golden Rule And The Ethic Of Reciprocity
504 ) Genius Vs. Chance
503 ) PopCap: “Stolen Valor”: Exposing Bogus Vets
502 ) Self-Fulfilling Expectations: Creating The World We Expect To See
501 ) $100 And A Bag Of Nails
500 ) Creating A Calm Brain
499 ) How Is Your Resiliency Factor?
498 ) Count Your Blessings
497 ) Little Known Secret To Weight Control: Calorie Density
496 ) Sleep On It
495 ) PopCap: Land Of The Semi-Free: The Steady Erosion Of Your Rights
494 ) What You Resist, Persists
493 ) An Easy Way To Live 30% Longer
492 ) Are You A Tigger Or An Eeyore?
491 ) Entrepreneurial Spirit: A TCC Culture Blog
490 ) PopCap: A “Modest Proposal” Or Two
489 ) Half Birthdays and the Examined Life
488 ) Internal Peace vs. External Peace
487 ) The Viatl Role of the Enforcer
486 ) Top 10 Most Expensive vs. Top 10 Most Happy
485 ) PopCap: Creating What You Fear
484 ) The Virtues of Self Binding
483 ) Smiling Matters
482 ) Let’s Hug It Out
481 ) “As the twig is bent…”
480 ) PopCap: Zero Tolerance = Institutionalized Stupidity
479 ) Don’t Be A Frog
478 ) The Courage to Say No
477 ) The Dangers of Being Different
476 ) Healthy Aging
475 ) PopCap: And Inconvenient Truth…About Solar Power
474 ) “…We never know what moment our lives will be judged on.”
473 ) Don’t Believe Everything You Read (Part 3)
472 ) “I Get So Mad When…” AKA Giving Away Your Personal Power
471 ) Candor: How Little We Get, How Much We Need It
470 ) PopCap: Health Care vs. Healthy Behavior: John F. Kennedy and the Presidential Fitness Award
469 ) Don’t Believe Everything You Read (Part 2)
468 ) A Guarantee is Only as Good as the Guarantor
467 ) “Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior”
466 ) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
465 ) PopCap: Prove the Savings First, Please
464 ) GNP vs. GNH (Gross National Happiness)
463 ) Good Intentions Are Not Enough
462 ) Exercise Makes You Smarter
461 ) Face Blindness vs. Super Recognizers
460 ) PopCap: Perfectionism = Gridlock
459 ) Power of Relationships: The Meaning of Gifts
458 ) Life Is how You Look At It, Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone: Your Choice
457 ) “Set big goals and own the responsibility for meeting them”
456 ) Capt. Sullenberger, Flight 1549, and Deliberate Calm
455 ) PopCap: The Stupid Pursuit of Hyper “Safety,” or What Happens When Chicken Little Is In Charge
454 ) Criticism: Friend of Foe
453 ) Courageous Acceptance of Personal Responsibility
452 ) Learning to Ring Pavlov’s Bell Ourselves
451 ) Beware the Cost of the Middleman
450 ) PopCap: The High Price of Ego
449 ) Unseen Consequences, Forgotten Costs
448 ) Any Fool Can Make A Rule
447 ) Seven Easy Questions for Smarter Spending
446 ) Don’t Blame Your Genes
445 ) Just Deal With It: Getting In Touch With Your Survival Instinct
444 ) Self Fulling Prophecies
443 ) Good Service Does Not Have to Cost Big Bucks
442 ) Why Do Some Succeed?
441 ) PopCap: Full Disclosure, Complete Transparency: Basic Minimums of Trust
440 ) Taking Calorie Counts With a Grain of Salt: Don’t Believe Everything You Read
439 ) Empowerment (3 of 3)
438 ) Reality Please
437 ) DNA Evidence Foolproof? NOT!
436 ) PopCap: Perverse Incentives and Humans: Know Thy Adversary
435 ) To whom much is given, mush is required
434 ) Stephen R. Covey on Empowerment (2 of 3)
433 ) Rational Assessment of Risk
432 ) The Inevitability of Adversity…and the Benefits Thereof
431 ) PopCap: A Free Enterprise Solution to Immigration
430 ) Finding the Line: Small Improvements, Big Cumulative Impacts
429 ) Empowerment Revisited (1 of 3)
428 ) A Rose By Any Other Name
427 ) GM’s Volt 230 MPG? NOT!
426 ) PopCap: Unseen Choices: Defined Benefit vs. Defined Cost Health Care
425 ) Hostile Interactions and Wound Healing
424 ) To Serve The Greater Good
423 ) Ryanair: No Service, No Apologies, No Problem! A Different Approach to Value
422 ) A Soft Answer
421 ) PopCap: “The right of the people to be secure…against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”
420 ) Best Advice I Ever Received: Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, Retired Four-Star General
419 ) Starlight Runner
418 ) “You are the way you are because…”
417 ) Thought Virus
416 ) PopCap: Forget the CEOs: Congress Has a Fleet of 16 Jets
415 ) Motivation Matters Most
414 ) Pay Attention: You Already May Have Everything You Truly Want
413 ) The Importance of Considering Opportunity Costs
412 ) Primary Happiness, Secondary Happiness
411 ) PopCap: Majoring in Minor Things
410 ) Time Management: An Hour a Week, 10 Minutes a Day
409 ) “Juega cada punto como si fuera el ultimo”
408 ) Showing and Doing Speaks Louder than Telling
407 ) Customer Service and Recovery Behavior
406 ) PopCap: Big Brother Runs Amok for…Nada?
405 ) “Every Time You Scream at a Driver, She Learns a Lesson”
404 ) “A soft answer turneth away wrath”
403 ) The Journal
402 ) PopCap: A Nation of Sheep
401 ) Hurrah for Pigovian Taxes
400 ) Online Degrees: For Real?
399 ) Read The Footnotes: Jim Rodgers
398 ) Power of Example
397 ) Paralysis Through Analysis: Can Anyone Here Make a Command Decision?
396 ) “How David Beats Goliath”
395 ) The Joys of Honest Labor
394 ) Do You Want to Live Forever
393 ) PopCap: Preventive Health Care Does NOT Save Money?
392 ) “The Long and Winding Road”
391 ) Saying So Doesn’t Make it So
390 ) Sounds Like Life To Me
389 ) In Praise of Footnotes (and Skepticism)
388 ) PopCap: Sometimes Stuff Just Happens
387 ) “The Power of a Positive No,” by William Ury
386 ) “You are Right” : Best Customer Service Words Ever Spoken
385 ) Self Trust
384 ) Idling Away our Future
383 ) PopCap: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
382 ) What You Make of It
381 ) Love: Noun or Verb?
380 ) Four Defenses
379 ) “There’s No Such Thing as ‘Business’ Ethics”
378 ) PopCap: “Teach Your Children Well”
377 ) Marriot: Your customer service is only as good as your vendors
376 ) “It is only the memory of poverty…”
375 ) The Pitfalls of Unbounded, Undisciplined Compassion
374 ) I Don’t Want To Hear About It
373 ) PopCap: Massive Stimulus = Massive Fraud
372 ) The Rashomon Effect
371 ) 10.7 Million
370 ) “Endlessly Curious”
369 ) PopCap: “Tax What You Burn, Not What Your Earn”
368 ) “Large Scale Waiting”
367 ) “Just Three Things”
366 ) The Joys of Frugality
365 ) The Most Important Variable
364 ) PopCap: “From Its Poorest Citizen”
363 ) “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”
362 ) Four Human Needs
361 ) Our Actions Influence Our Feelings
360 ) Recency Bias
359 ) PopCap: Excusitis
358 ) You can’t lose what you never had
357 ) Musings on Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership
356 ) How to Get Years’ Experience in Years
355 ) Trayless Dining
354 ) PopCap: Global Shame
353 ) Can You Handle It For Now
352 ) Alexander Technique
351 ) “10-10-10”
350 ) Want to Add Years to Your Life? Happy Years?
349 ) Prosperity: The Solution to Global Warming?
348 ) Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: Part
347 ) The Virtues of Soft Power
346 ) “That’s what calculators are for…” NOT!
345 ) What do you expect of yourself?
344 ) PopCap: Good Samaritan?
343 ) “The Untethered Soul”
342 ) Beware the Middleman: ~$800 Million For Doing Nada
341 ) The Power of a List
340 ) The Edge
339 ) PopCap: Too Big to Fail = Failure of Anti-Trust Legislation
338 ) The Opposite of Love
337 ) The Encourage vs. Correct Continuum
336 ) “The Tallest Building He Could Find”
335 ) PopCap: Hidden Persuaders
334 ) Sometimes All Is Not As It Seems
333 ) Triple Win: Beating Obesity, Traffic, AND Global Warming?
332 ) We Create Our Own Traps
331 ) PopCap: 5% Truth, 95% BS
330 ) True Colors
329 ) Starting With Why: Sharing Intent vs. Instruction
328 ) Beware the “All Hat, No Cattle” Leader
327 ) Privacy is an Illusion
326 ) Learning to Love It
325 ) Sources of Lasting Satisfaction
324 ) “Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions”
323 ) “Pregnant with Myself”
322 ) PopCap: Massive Failure of Morality and Regulation, Not Capitalism
321 ) It’s RESULTS That Count
320 ) The Meaning of Any Message…
319 ) Pay Attention to What You Remember
318 ) Toilet Paper as a Moral Choice?
317 ) PopCap: Big Brother is Watching
316 ) Pre-Investing in the Next Mountain Top
315 ) Pre-Positioning
314 ) Ten Year’s Experience…or One Year’s Experience Times Ten ?
313 ) The Headline You Will Never See
312 ) PopCap: The Downside of Fat Jockeys
311 ) Taming the Blame-Shame Game
310 ) Dancing in the Rain
309 ) Five Times Three: An Energy/Time Management Tool
308 ) Keep Your Life Interesting or You Will Mess Up Just to Spice It Up
307 ) PopCap: Three Reasons Why Wall Street Bonus Plans Don’t/Can’t Work
306 ) A Post-Valentine’s Day Missive
305 ) Teachable Moments
304 ) “Driven way beyond anyone else I’d ever met.”
303 ) Time is Not Linear
302 ) Making Weakness Irrelevant
301 ) “Dreams from My Father,” by Barack Obama
300 ) Taking Requests: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
299 ) Meetings Are a Matter of Precious Time
298 ) The Billionaire Street Sweeper
297 ) Learning to Love “Fumble Reports”: The Value of Clear Communication, Upfront Honesty
296 ) “I would do anything to be able to…”
295 ) “Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone”
294 ) Where the Rubber Meets the Road
293 ) It’s Not Where You Are, But Who You Are
292 ) Your Tendency Does Not Have to Be Your Destiny
291 ) The Beginner’s Mind
290 ) Want Better Results? Take More Action!
289 ) Whatever it takes
288 ) “Life is one indivisible whole”
287 ) You Can Have Anything You Want
286 ) Updating Your Mental Anti-Virus Software
285 ) A Moment That Will Define a Generation
284 ) It isn’t always easy
283 ) Accountability Checkpoint
282 ) Context is Vital
281 ) Cool, Calm, and Collected
280 ) The Difference is Small
279 ) Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
278 ) In Praise of Fear, or Using the Shark!
277 ) Success is Never Final
276 ) Discipline = Freedom
275 ) Success Defined
274 ) The Magic of Special
273 ) “So easy when I want to. So hard when I don’t”
272 ) Honest Leadership
271 ) If not now, when?
270 ) No one needs a smile more than someone who has none left to give
269 ) What Do You Think is Impossible?
268 ) Excuse Me! Your Life is Waiting!
267 ) The Transmission of Emotion: Contagious Happiness?
266 ) “I don’t want your apology – I want you to be sorry.”
265 ) Expectations Can Create Reality: On the Self-Fulfilling Nature of Social Stereotypes
264 ) Intelligent Criticism, Effective Feedback
263 ) Yesterday You Said Tomorrow
262 ) Cheerfully Executing Plan B
261 ) Two Words
260 ) Officers Eat Last
259 ) Time to START
258 ) Choosing your reality
257 ) Some people always find a way, some people always find an excuse!
256 ) What do you look forward to
255 ) We have wings we know not yet of…
254 ) The Ten Wisest People I know
253 ) A Day of Thanks, Moments of Perspective
252 ) Encourage = In Courage
251 ) Communicating with Integrity
250 ) Things can always get worse
249 ) It’s not that I’m not satisfied, it’s just that I always want more!
248 ) The Einstellung Effect
247 ) Paying for Self Discipline is Expensive
246 ) The Obligations of Power
245 ) Communicate with Care: Words Vary, Meanings are Many
244 ) Talent is Over-rated
243 ) Natural Rights vs. Artificial Rights
242 ) “…A fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected”
241 ) Learning to Single Task
240 ) Connecting with your Future Self
239 ) Feet of Clay
238 ) The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids
237 ) The Joys of Thrift
236 ) Living in Harmony with Nature
235 ) Business Lessons From A Chessboard
234 ) Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
233 ) Laying Bricks of Building Cathedrals
232 ) The Limits of Group Intelligence
231 ) Boundarylessness
230 ) Communication Loops: Decision; Veto; Information
229 ) Moving Meditation
228 ) Complacency is a Champion’s Greatest Foe
227 ) Delineating Known Failure Paths vs. Constructive Guidance and Dousing Creative Enthusiasm
226 ) Out of the Mouths of Babes
225 ) What Small Things Make You Happy?
224 ) Audition for the Role of Your New Self
223 ) Two Sets of Skills
222 ) The Power of Negative Thinking
221 ) You Cannot Not Communicate
220 ) Fear is a Guidepost, Not a Stop Sign
219 ) Four Phrases, Ten Words
218 ) Defining a “Learning Organization”
217 ) The Joys of Simplicity
216 ) If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority
215 ) If it were easy, everyone would do it
214 ) Tooth to Tail Ratio
213 ) Taking the High Road
212 ) What DIDN’T you do?
211 ) Trying Differently
210 ) Be a little kinder than you need to be
209 ) The Full Story
208 ) Systemize Your Success
207 ) Leadership in the Breach
206 ) An Easy Way to Avoid Learning
205 ) Seeing the World Through the Eyes of a Wise Heart
204 ) Attitudes are Contagious
203 ) Going to the Mountain Top
202 ) As a Man Thinketh
201 ) Practice Dying
200 ) “Dreams are the Whispers of the Soul”
199 ) “The Power of Unreasonable People”
198 ) Listen to the Behavior
197 ) “Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics,” by Joseph Nye
196 ) “Powerhouse Principles: The Billionaire Blueprint for Real Estate Success” by Jorge Perez
195 ) Avoiding the Second Arrow
194 ) Truths Are Caught, Not Taught
193 ) …a time to fold ’em
192 ) There is a reason to do every deal….
191 ) “There is a tide in the affairs of men…”
190 ) The Grass is Always Greener
189 ) “A fool with a plan can beat a genius without a plan”
188 ) Always Present Options
187 ) Accessing Collective Intelligence
186 ) A good outcome does not always mean a good decision…
185 ) Responsible = Response Able
184 ) The Shortcomings of Superman
183 ) Expect Success, Plan for Failure
182 ) Portion Control: Making Empowering Choices
181 ) Coat & Tie vs. Global Warming: Which One Wins?
180 ) Broken Windows: Why the little things can be big things
179 ) You Can’t Win if You Don’t Play
178 ) Debt: Friend or Foe?
177 ) Four Ways to Spend Money
176 ) “Culture Matter: How Values Shape Human Progress”
175 ) “I Intend To” vs. “Immediate I Have”
174 ) A Plug For Contentment
173 ) Selling Sizzling Steak: Performance and Promotion
172 ) Lying about your vegetables
171 ) Take a deep breath. Stretch.
170 ) In Memory of Courtland Alden Collier
169 ) Chicken Little Rides Again
168 ) “…not because they are easy, but because they are hard…”
167 ) “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness”
166 ) No individual raindrop takes responsibility, but the flood still happens
165 ) The Pros Make it Look Easy
164 ) Don’t let the other side rent space in your head
163 ) Use your “I & R”
162 ) It was true….until it wasn’t
161 ) Does Screaming Improve Behavior ? An Error in Intuition
160 ) In Praise of Disappointment
159 ) Habits: A Liberating Perspective
158 ) We Change When We Want To
157 ) Reframing Revisited
156 ) Training Shamu: Lessons for Humans
155 ) The Drunkard’s Walk and The Law of Small Numbers
154 ) One thing boldly different every day
153 ) 18 simple ways to make a habit
152 ) We see the world as we are. We see the world as we expect to see.
151 ) Expect the best; Inspect for what you expect
150 ) Do not block the many because of the few
149 ) If there is nothing to do, do nothing.
148 ) Words Matter
147 ) Rules for the guidance of the wise
146 ) You’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean
145 ) The wise farmer does not cast seed on rocky ground
144 ) Overdetermined
143 ) “Leaving for Hawaii”
142 ) Micro-Actions
141 ) You can choose the lesson you learn
140 ) Father’s Day Reflections: My Father’s Greatest Gift
139 ) Opportunity Costs: The Road Not Taken
138 ) Involvement Breeds Commitment
137 ) Excusitis
136 ) “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen Covey
135 ) Always assume positive intent
134 ) Groupthink
133 ) Irrational Fears
132 ) Bird of a Feather
131 ) Emotion is Energy in Motion
130 ) Make it a game
129 ) Everywhere you go, there you are
128 ) “I Intend To…”
127 ) Memorial Day: Are we worthy?
126 ) Beware “Competitive Arousal”
125 ) If you squeeze an orange, you don’t get lemon juice
124 ) The Secret of Success is no Secret
123 ) Personal Mission Statement
122 ) What do you do when you do nothing?
121 ) Go with your strengths, Backstop your weaknesses
120 ) You can’t get enough of what you don’t need
119 ) Celebrating Everyday Heroes
118 ) Don’t believe everything they tell you: The fuzzy numbers behind the numbers
117 ) Pack your own weight
116 ) All actions teach the belief system that motivates them
115 ) You cannot talk you way out of what you have behaved yourself into
114 ) Plans are useless, but planning is invaluable
113 ) Becoming your own best friend
112 ) What you focus on Expands!
111 ) A story to restore your faith in humanity
110 ) We all go the same distance in life…
109 ) Argue for your weakness and it’s yours
108 ) Can you summon your talent at will?
107 ) 30 Methods of Influence
106 ) Everyone who works for me is a volunteer
105 ) Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out!
104 ) The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine
103 ) I am the one I’ve been waiting for
102 ) Rationalize = Rational Lies
101 ) The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking
100 ) Three Kinds of People
99 ) The Golden Opportunity You Are Seeking…
98 ) Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
97 ) Never major in minor things
96 ) Acorns & Forest: Balancing optimism and short-term constraints
95 ) I am a “Good” finder
94 ) Creating Value vs. Transferring Value
93 ) Diamond-Faceted Personality
92 ) Guarding the Gates of Change
91 ) Fear: An Entrepreneur’s Best Friend
90 ) Healthy Skepticism: Applying a bit of Kentucky Windage
89 ) “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”
88 ) The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital
87 ) Four Tools of Discipline from “The Road Less Traveled”
86 ) The Power of Letting Go
85 ) You do NOT lack discipline…
84 ) Rather than increase driving forces, remove restraining forces
83 ) Observation, Evaluation, Judgment
82 ) Stress is not an event, it is a chosen reaction to an event
81 ) Perils of Perfectionism
80 ) Don’t believe everything you read
79 ) When Life Pushes Your Hot Buttons
78 ) Dealing with Business Risk
77 ) Asking Effective Questions
76 ) “O would some power the gift to give us….”
75 ) Reframing
74 ) How to Win Friends and Influence People
73 ) Big Rocks
72 ) Real Magic
71 ) Cold Stoves: Learning the right lesson
70 ) Plane to Las Vegas
69 ) “Don’t tell me how rocky the sea is, just bring the darn ship in”
68 ) Ethos, Pathos, Logos
67 ) Small Secrets
66 ) When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear
65 ) What’s your HLP?
64 ) Micro Autobiography
63 ) Kill Your Television
62 ) Three Steps into the Fog
61 ) The Motivational Power of Consequences, Standards, and Deadlines
60 ) The Blind Men and the Elephant
59 ) The Set of the Sail
58 ) Magnetize Your Wants
57 ) Computer Models are as Fallible as the Humans that Program Them
56 ) There is very little difference between people, but…
55 ) New Goal: Fail Often!
54 ) Fish Discover Water Last
53 ) Empowering Mental Images
52 ) 360-Degree Feedback
51 ) 360-Degree Leadership
50 ) Personal Power vs. Positional Power
49 ) The Leader’s Path: Evolving Points of View
48 ) The Social Contract
47 ) Memo To My Company
46 ) Change BEFORE a Crisis Forces You to Change
45 ) “The Secret of The Ages” by Robert Collier
44 ) Thoughts on Customer Service
43 ) Over-treated
42 ) Simple Ideas, Complex Execution
41 ) Servant Leadership
40 ) Communicating from the Heart
39 ) One Worry
38 ) Garbage In, Garbage Out
37 ) Economic Democracy
36 ) A prophet is not without honor
35 ) Today is a New Day…
34 ) A Father’s Legacy
33 ) Communication and Customer Service
32 ) Simple Truths
31 ) Less Past, More Future
30 ) Caring Effectively
29 ) Every Yes is a No
28 ) Duh! “House Panel Finds Conflict in Executive Pay Consulting”
27 ) Monopoly: The Natural Goal of Every Business
26 ) Budgets: An Exercise in Illusion
25 ) The Monkey’s Fist: An Ancient Parable for Modern Times
24 ) How does it make the world a better place?
23 ) A Time to Teach
22 ) “The Dance of Intimacy” by Harriet Lerner
21 ) Of Dining Rooms and Kitchens
20 ) Attitude of Gratitude
19 ) Patience as an Active Emotion
18 ) Mental Muscles
17 ) Creating a Company Culture
16 ) Balancing Roles: Finding the Anchor Within
15 ) Principled Profit
14 ) To Know and Not Do is to Not Know
13 ) A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste
12 ) Create Choices, Not Traps
11 ) Motivation & Leadership
10 ) Runaway CEO pay
9 ) Casting a worthy shadow
8 ) All I ever need to know as a leader
7 ) The Downside of the Relentless Pursuit of the Perfect Leader
6 ) Making a Difference
5 ) Hard Drives out Soft
4 ) The Courage to Lead
3 ) Learning Your Learning Style
2 )Principles of Communication
1 ) EQ: The Beginning of Rapport and a Relationship