Photo of a man peeling back a black and white background to reveal a full color background

“Every event has two handles—one by which it can be carried, and one by which it can’t.
If your brother does you wrong, don’t grab it by his wronging, because this is the handle incapable of lifting it.
Instead, use the other—that he is your brother, that you were raised together, and then you will have hold of the handle that carries.”

Truth is timeless. Alter the way you perceive a situation and the situation itself is transformed, new possibilities emerge, your emotions and reactions are born anew. Change your mind, change your world. The ancient stoics advised ‘try the other handle’; today psychologists tell us to ‘reframe’. Same wisdom, new words.

Closing Quotes:

“It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed.” – Louise Hay

“Our key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it.” – Marianne Williamson  

“Life can show up no other way than the way in which you perceive it.” – Neale Donald Walsch

“A reframe is not about telling yourself that your fear is wrong. Reframes are about finding another way to look at the possibilities of your life.” – Rebecca K. Sampson

“Reframing is a term from cognitive psychotherapy which simply means seeing something in a new way, in a new context, with a new frame around it.” Elaine N. Aron, research psychologist

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier