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The Fountain of Youth: Continuous, Consistent, Constant Curiosity
My philosophy in life is to exercise ‘Continuous, Consistent, Constant Curiosity’. I love taking every opportunity to ask ever deeper questions about everything that impacts my mission. I’m not content…
September 3, 2024Take a Vacation… From You
Have you ever wondered what could be? Noticed how others, not that different from you, have qualities and habits you’d like to have? Consider taking…
August 8, 2024True Grit: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
True Grit: Call it resilience or perseverance or determination or courage or fortitude or toughness. Call it all of those things and more: steadfastness in…
August 6, 2024Inner Scorecard or Outer Scorecard?
Inner success or outer success? Which matters most to you? Where did your values and beliefs come from? Truly yours, the result of deep self-awareness,…
July 23, 2024What is your Ikigai?
Ikigai (ee-kee-guy) is a combination of the Japanese words ‘iki’ (to live) and ‘gai’ (reason) literally meaning ‘reason to live’. What constitutes a fulfilling life…
July 18, 2024To Live Above the Common Level of Life
‘To live above the common level of life’ means to strive for a life that transcends the ordinary or average, making conscious choices to elevate…
June 4, 2024Sua Sponte
Sua sponte is Latin for ‘of their own accord’ and refers to action taken without formal prompting. While the phrase is a term of art…
May 30, 2024Per Aspera Ad Astra
“Per Aspera Ad Astra” is Latin for ‘through hardship to the stars’ and can be taken several related ways including it is through adversity we…
May 28, 2024Extraordinary Comes From How You Do the Day-to-Day Ordinary
Most of us have heard the quote attributed to Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”…
May 21, 2024What ill Discipline Adds to Our Plate
Folks, life is challenging enough without you defecting to the opposition. Yet all too many of us decline to follow the 3 Simplest Rules of…
May 14, 2024“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
The quote is by the poet Mary Oliver (1935-2019, Pulitzer Prize winner) and the elegant beauty of it always spoke volumes to me. I live…
April 23, 2024