A sign that says "be the best version of yourself"

We all have many sides, many selves within us; conflicting wishes, drives, and emotions, making the old quote ‘To thy own self be true’ a bit confusing.

Which self should we be true to? The one that wants to roll over and sleep more? Or the one that wants to be fit and healthy and meet up with the running group? The one that wants to scroll social media or the one that wants to read a great book on developing emotional intelligence?

I sometimes think of my many sides as sitting around a conference table, debating and conversing. At times, to give perspective, I include ‘selves’ from different ages: my 30-year-old self and/or who I might be a decade from now; my ‘inner child’ shows up every now and then and sometimes the spirit of my beloved father comes and rests his hand on my shoulder, imparting his grace and wisdom by his very presence.

While all life is balance and even saints must sleep and priests must play, I want my life to count for something, I want to contribute, I want to be a good partner, a good father, a good citizen, to leave the world a better place. This is my mission, my calling, my highest self, the inner me I must answer to.

Closing Quotes:

“I am large, I contain multitudes.” – Walt Whitman; 1819-1892

“The greatest battle is the one within ourselves.” – Peace Pilgrim, 1908-1981

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882

“The path to inner success lies in discovering your true self and manifesting it in your every thought, feeling, word, and action. This requires you to become an inner warrior, to vanquish the many false selves that are holding your true self hostage. When you allow one of your false selves to seduce you, it may not bother you in the moment—in fact, it might actually feel good to gratify an impulsive desire, feeling, or thought—but one day you will wake up to regret that you did not live a life true to the truest part of you.” – Hitendra Wadhwa, Inner Mastery, Outer Impact

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier