A small circle drawn on a chalkboard labeled as "your comfort zone" and a large circle next to it labeled as "where the magic happens"

All too often we ‘pre-reject’ ourselves by being fearful to approach others or ask for what we want. Often it involves those we consider higher status or more powerful or better looking than ourselves. NONSENSE!

And yes, I capitalize it because to my dismay, I too have fallen prey to those insidious, self-sabotaging doubts. Yet on the other hand, there have been glorious times when I have moved forward in spite of my qualms (I wanted to say I moved boldly forward but that would not be the full truth!) and been richly rewarded! Yes, there have been times when I felt the momentary burn of embarrassment, a quick flash of discomfort AND those became wonderful growth/journaling opportunities to realize that I was allowing others to impact my sense of worth, in effect other-esteem v. true self-esteem and that I needed to more deeply internalize one of my favorite affirmations: ‘My sense of self is anchored deep within; from that flows wonderful peace.’

Fortune does indeed favor the bold.

Closing Quotes:

“Life expands or contracts according to our fears.”Anaïs Nin, 1903-1977

“The cave you fear holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell, 1904-1987

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”George Addair. 1932-2012

“For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?”James Allen,1912- 1964, As a Man Thinketh

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier