Writing on a chalkboard that says "A goal without a plan is just a wish!"

Want to be more, do more, go further, get more accomplished with the same if not less effort? Get ORGANIZED! Structure is the Superpower of High Achievers. An ordinary person with a focused plan often outperforms a wandering genius. Not saying it is always easy: To work well, your plan must be in alignment with your true self and this requires self-knowledge, gained by introspection and learning to stand outside yourself, go to the balcony and observe your triggers, your emotions and the resulting behavior patterns.

No intelligent person would attempt to operate complex machinery or navigate an intricate system where the stakes were high without first reading the operating manual or learning all we could, yet we tend to approach life in a very haphazard manner. I’ve found journalling to be incredibly helpful in increasing my self-awareness, my EQ, and in seeing and acknowledging patterns.

Folks: clear, written goals for all the major roles of life along with action plans and accountability checkpoints will turbo charge your potential.

Closing Quotes:

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, 1900-1944, author: ‘Le Petit Prince’

“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790

“Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backwards, or sideways.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr., 1940-2021, ‘Life’s Little Instruction Book’

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier