Most everyone reading this has won the “birth lottery”; we were born in the developed world. No matter our inherent abilities and talents, being born into a system where those skills find fertile ground is an incredible advantage.
There is no doubt the world has its challenges however any student of human history will tell you that by and large, particularly on a percentage basis, never have so many had it so good both in terms of opportunity and life expectancy. I highly recommend Steven Pinker’s “The Better Angels of Our Nature” to get a perspective on how relatively peaceful and prosperous we are in this current age.
Folks ask me how I’m doing, I reply with heartfelt gratitude: “I live in America, I am blessed.”
Closing Quotes:
“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” – Ralph H. Blum
“Learn to be grateful for all you have while pursuing all you want.” – Jim Rohn
“Gratitude is like a magnet, the more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for.” – Iyanla Vanzant
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey
As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier