Even the best of us have our off days; days when we choose to see slights in what is often merely the absent mindedness of others or to hold on to our anger or nourish and feed our grievances.

When that stinking-thinking takes root in our minds we need an antidote, a way back to our path. For me, I usually find my way back by reading a passage or two from books on inspiration, tomes of spiritual guidance. I’ve many favorites, old friends who have accompanied me throughout the years, but I add to my collection regularly. Recently, a friend shared with me Lalah Delia’s book, Vibrate Higher Daily.

Within the first few pages, I read the following words, words that melted my grudges, anchored me solidly back into my higher self:

“We are all capable of starting over. Of vibrating higher daily. Of change. Of deciding what we give our energy and attention to and what we don’t.” Yes! This is what I believe. That is what I’ve sworn to hold to, who I want to be, the way I’ve pledged myself follow. Thank-you, Lalah. I needed that.

Closing Quotes:

“Our greatest enemy is often our unguided thoughts.” – Buddha

“Thoughts held in mind, attract in kind. What we focus on, expands.” – Proverb

“If we understood their power, we would never think a negative thought.” – Peace Pilgrim

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier