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Always Look Under the Hood
The literal meaning of “look under the hood” comes from the process of buying a used car and refers to the importance not merely going…
July 14, 2022
How Clean is Your Mirror?
How well do you know you? When you look inside yourself, how close to 20/20 is your vision? Do you see yourself clearly? As others…
June 23, 2022
Eight Powerful and Very Learnable Traits of Highly Confident People
They are voracious learners Insatiably curious, confident people continuously seek out new knowledge, ask intelligent, interesting questions, and listen to the answers. As lifelong learners,…
June 21, 2022
Success in 24 Simple Sentences
Surround yourself with things that lift you up, that call to out to the best in you. Believe in yourself; someone must win: Ask “Why…
June 14, 2022
Take Good Notes
If you want to pass a class in school, you take good notes. Makes sense that if you want to learn the lessons of life,…
June 7, 2022
Seeking Failure
Why would anyone seek failure? Well, absent situations with catastrophic consequences (packing your parachute?), failure often contains valuable feedback, lessons that can form the foundation…
May 5, 2022
The ABC’s of Success
Access your Best Self. This requires taking the time to KNOW yourself, developing both your EQ (emotional intelligence) and wisely exploring a wide range of…
April 28, 2022
The Results in Your Life Reflect Your Level of Awareness
As your awareness grows, so too does your ability to direct your thoughts, to master your mind, align your emotions with your goals and values…
April 21, 2022
A Thought-Provoking Question
A Team Member asked me the other day what they needed to do to get promoted. In the moment, I couldn’t come up with anything…
March 29, 2022
Two Lies Leaders Should Never Tell Themselves
Lie #1: “I’ve unique stress others don’t so understandable if I…” Even if the first part of the statement is true, the second is definitely…
March 15, 2022
The First Step
I want to live a good life and I also want to live the good life and while they are definitely related, there is a…
March 10, 2022