NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Three High Leverage Psychological Skills Happy People Cultivate

A Love of Learning is one of the highest leverage habits one can adopt for it strengthens and supports all other areas of your life.…

February 17, 2022

Five Different Things Successful People Do that Others Don’t

#1 Successful people are possibility thinkers. They believe in themselves and in others and their ability to make things happen. They do not accept the…

February 10, 2022

Three Simple Rules To Put You in the Top 10%

Live Smart Avoid Dumb Don’t Sabotage That’s it! Rather straightforward, right? However, like many things, principles aren’t that complicated, it’s the day-to-day application that gets…

January 18, 2022

Leaders are NOT Problem Solvers

This may be heresy to some traditional thinkers, but the primary role of a leader is NOT to be a problem solver per se but…

January 6, 2022

Directed Learning Beats Drifting and Dreaming

When I interview folks for a managerial or leadership position, I frequently ask about their preferred learning style. “Hands on” is the most frequent answer.…

December 28, 2021

Are You Paying Attention?

Our moods and emotions are not random. They generally spring not so much from what happens in our life but rather how we interpret them.…

December 16, 2021

If You Are Standing Still, You Are Running Backward

To live your best life, continuously strive to improve your skills, broaden your knowledge, revise your internal maps, challenge your comfort zone. Talent is just…

December 14, 2021

Paths to Apatheia

Apatheia in Stoic philosophy is a calm state of mind where one’s composure is not disrupted by negative emotions. It is most assuredly not indifference…

December 9, 2021

Three Mind Tricks of the Super Successful

Desire is far, far more powerful than discipline. If it is what you truly want, you will blow through virtually any obstacle to get there.…

December 2, 2021

The Faster You Run, the Behinder You Get: Why Telling Doesn’t Work

We all try to be efficient and offer good advice; when we see a problem, we offer solutions, earnestly trying to help. But what if…

November 11, 2021

Want to be Effective? A Bigger Hammer Rarely Works

Want to be Effective? A Bigger Hammer Rarely Works Or Why Removing Restraining Forces is Better than Increasing Driving Forces A common problem in persuasion:…

November 9, 2021

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