NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Touching Your Mental Toes

Folks, true confession, I love stability and security. I find comfort in my routines and settled practices. Come 2025, I will have lived on the…

November 2, 2023

Tired of Pretty Words, Can I Just Have Accountability?

In business, I’ve heard a lot of pretty words over the years. Promises and commitments. Sincerely spoken by earnest folk who intended every word. Unfortunately,…

October 31, 2023


One fine day recently I was feeling a bit off. In my search for the why and deeper self-awareness, I started to write out how…

October 26, 2023

Success Scares Me

Why do I find success scary? Because right behind success comes overconfidence. Call it what you will: resting on your laurels, calling it in instead…

October 17, 2023

Greatness is a Grind

By ‘grind’ I mean achieving (and maintaining) greatness is long, hard slog, a relentless repetition of the basics, day in and day out, a never-ending…

October 12, 2023

Three Guidelines to Make the World a Better Place

Treat all with respect, kindness, and civility; even if you disagree with them; especially if you disagree with them! It’s easy to be nice to…

October 5, 2023

What’s the most useful feedback you’ve ever received?

What’s the most useful feedback you’ve ever received? Professionally and/or personally? And did you listen? Act on it? What did you do with it/about it?…

October 3, 2023

I’m looking for books on Team Building…

A TCC Team Member reached out with the above inquiry. Surprise! Interesting enough, I’ve read a few! Hiring is like 3 dates and getting married;…

September 28, 2023

Have You Entered the Cave Lately?

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell That which we most fear, that which scares us greatly also…

September 21, 2023

Success is Dangerous

Success carries its own set of pitfalls, chief among them over-confidence. Success tends to breed contented self-satisfaction, a belief that you got it all covered,…

September 19, 2023

There are No Secrets to Success

There are no secrets to success… or to happiness; just stuff you don’t want to do! Particularly over and over and over again! The ‘stuff’…

September 14, 2023

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