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Embracing Disconfirming Evidence
Disconfirming evidence is anything that does NOT support our current belief system or reinforce our convictions about who we are or what we are capable…
November 8, 2022You have to Walk the Valley to get to the Mountaintop
Deny me the lessons of the valley and I will not learn the skills I need to traverse the highest mountains. Sometimes you find yourself…
October 25, 2022Three Keys to Influence
Three Keys to Influence: A summary of the “Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change” Whether you’re eradicating disease, improving customer service, or engaging struggling…
October 20, 2022You Owe You
What do you owe you? To always be on your own side. To never, ever self-sabotage. To have your self-talk be positive, solution-oriented and act…
October 11, 2022Pssst! Want to Hear a Secret?… The Secrets of Success Are Dull and Boring
And what is more, you probably already know them! You just aren’t doing them! Why? Well, there are also lots of “secrets of success”; each…
September 20, 20225 Simple Steps That Virtually Guarantee Success (Yet Few Do Consistently)
Goals: Written, Specific, backed up by Action Plans with Deadlines/Accountability Checkpoints; Reviewed Regularly to ensure what YOU want, reflect YOUR passions, not social/parental/peer programing. Yes,…
September 13, 2022Expect Unexpected Opportunity
Truth is, what most call luck is really most often the intersection of opportunity with preparation. Inadequate preparation? Luck goes on to knock at another’s…
August 30, 2022OCP=OR
We have a saying at my company: “Our Customer’s Perception is Our Reality.” (OCP=OR) Each one of us sees the world differently and when it…
August 18, 2022We are Made for More than the Easy Road
“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice your gift” and “The best we can be, we must be” are two quotes that…
August 2, 2022Always Look Under the Hood
The literal meaning of “look under the hood” comes from the process of buying a used car and refers to the importance not merely going…
July 14, 2022How Clean is Your Mirror?
How well do you know you? When you look inside yourself, how close to 20/20 is your vision? Do you see yourself clearly? As others…
June 23, 2022