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A Subtle but oh so Sure Path to Failure
Want to try hard? Be Sincere? Really care? And yet achieve far less than you could? Easy! Pick vague, fuzzy goals! Develop Team Members! Grow…
October 4, 2022The Life Span of an Emotion
According to a Harvard neuroanatomist the life span on an emotion is just 90 seconds: “When a person has a reaction to something in the…
September 27, 2022Pssst! Want to Hear a Secret?… The Secrets of Success Are Dull and Boring
And what is more, you probably already know them! You just aren’t doing them! Why? Well, there are also lots of “secrets of success”; each…
September 20, 2022Don’t let Life get in the way of Your Life
We can all get busy; very, very busy. The day to day can turn into a whirlwind of ringing phones, dinging messages, strident, urgent demands…
September 15, 20225 Simple Steps That Virtually Guarantee Success (Yet Few Do Consistently)
Goals: Written, Specific, backed up by Action Plans with Deadlines/Accountability Checkpoints; Reviewed Regularly to ensure what YOU want, reflect YOUR passions, not social/parental/peer programing. Yes,…
September 13, 2022Escaping the Solomon’s Paradox
Solomon was the king of ancient Israel ruling from around 970 to 931 BC. Renowned for his wisdom, his personal life was somewhat messy to…
September 6, 2022Change the Locks…NOW!
Most likely it’s far past time to change the locks to the gateway of your mind, to the foyer of your thoughts. In the hurley…
September 1, 2022Expect Unexpected Opportunity
Truth is, what most call luck is really most often the intersection of opportunity with preparation. Inadequate preparation? Luck goes on to knock at another’s…
August 30, 2022A Simple, Easy to Learn Technique that will Impress your Boss
Follow up and follow through. That’s it. It’s not much but few do it and fewer yet do it consistently. Follow-through means to see something to completion,…
August 23, 2022Define Your Average as Above Average
When you are average, you are as close to the bottom as you are to the top. There are many things in life that are…
August 16, 2022Little Things Make Big Things Happen
The details matter because big success is just the steady accumulation of small wins piled one on top of another. Everything is connected, all is…
August 11, 2022