NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Unleashing The Winner Within: Cliff Notes Version

You have GREATNESS within you; waiting for you to fully activate it. You want more, know you are capable of more, interested in being better,…

November 12, 2014

The Seven Habits of Highly INEFFECTIVE People

As always, I share what I most want/need to learn. Sometimes it clarifies things to look at what we SHOULDN”T do; making it easier to…

October 14, 2014

Life Changing Thoughts

“Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I CAN.” – Michael Jordan  “Sometimes the biggest problem is in your…

October 9, 2014


Some activities, thoughts or attitude have more power, more leverage than others. The greater the ripple effect, for good or not, the greater the power.…

October 7, 2014

Endless Wanting

Endless wanting is a fool’s trap that snare’s even the wise. Intellectually, we may understand that “Keeping up with the Joneses” is a useless treadmill…

October 2, 2014

Signs & Symptoms of Inner Peace 

About 25 years ago, I read a lovely little book called “Love is Letting Go of Fear”. At just 130 pages or so (many of them illustrations!),…

September 30, 2014

Can You Hear with your HEART?

One of the best nuggets of learning regarding communication I’ve ever run across is the HEART acronym, an excellent way to remember how to listen…

September 25, 2014

Living Life in Crescendo

Crescendo: adjective; gradually increasing in volume, force, or intensity. Living life in crescendo means that the most important part of life lies before you, not…

September 23, 2014

The Ecstasy of Surrender

I’m a can-do, take the beaches, I’ve just begun to fight, task/achievement oriented kind of guy. The concept of surrender is the antithesis of my…

September 4, 2014

The Silent Treatment: Shutting Down Your Heart

Lack of good communication is probably the # 1 reason relationships, personal or professional, get rocky. One partner or both become uncommunicative, often as a result…

August 26, 2014

Search Inside Yourself!

Search inside yourself and what will you find? Any dark corners, un-dusted shelves, closed, even locked, doors? How well do you know yourself? Are you…

August 19, 2014

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