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“Leaving for Hawaii”
Zig Ziglar, the motivational speaker and author, often told a story called “Leaving for Hawaii.” Stories are a great way to teach because they are…
June 18, 2008
Micro-actions are steps toward a goal that are sooooo small, anyone can take them. They seem so small that they are virtually effortless, so small…
June 17, 2008
Opportunity Costs: The Road Not Taken
Every action has an opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is – the cost, the sacrifice made, in choosing one mutually-exclusive option over another – the alternative…
June 12, 2008
Involvement Breeds Commitment
I’ve got a lot of ideas, and some of them are even good ones. But mostly I’ve got more ideas then I’ve got time or…
June 11, 2008
Excusitis: Psychological disorder resulting from the need to defer responsibility to anyone or anything other than oneself. This disorder is usually accompanied by rationalization disorder.…
June 10, 2008Groupthink
Groupthink is when everyone in a group thinks alike, and consensus is valued more than independent or creative thinking. Groupthink is a frequent symptom of…
June 5, 2008
Birds of a Feather
Role models and group norms are powerful, but perhaps we have never realized how incredibly powerful they can be. A recent study by Dr. Nicholas…
June 3, 2008
Emotion is Energy in Motion
Emotion can be thought of as “energy in motion.” To change your mood, MOVE! Or change your circumstances! The other day I received a phone…
June 2, 2008
Everywhere you go, there you are.
“Everywhere you go, there you are” means to me that change must ultimately come from within. I used to think that if I changed my…
May 29, 2008
If you squeeze an orange, you don’t get lemon juice
Crisis does not so much create character as it reveals character. Under stress our facade often cracks and our true selves are revealed. Such moments…
May 22, 2008
The Secret of Success is No Secret
Toyota recently surpassed General Motors in the number of cars sold in the United States. Toyota enjoys a hard-won and long-held reputation as an innovative…
May 21, 2008