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Q&A on the Path to Happiness and Success (Part 2)
Early Career According to your blog, you purchased your first income-producing property in the early 1970s. What year in college were you in when you…
May 3, 2018
Making Your Own Luck
Luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity. Relentlessly increasing your skill sets (Preparation!) certainly increases the scope of the opportunities you can jump on;…
May 1, 2018
9 Questions to Raise Your Self-Awareness
1) When you have free time, what do you want to do? What takes no motivation for you to want to do it? 2) What…
April 19, 2018
Questions #1
Hello Mr. Collier, I hope all is well with you. When you have some time could you please answer the below questions? Thank you so…
April 10, 2018
Law School and General Time Management
Q: Mr. Collier, I have questions regarding general time management advice during law school. My goal is to continue on to law school at the…
April 3, 2018
Is Owning and Managing Residential Real Estate Still a Good Investment for Individuals?
Q: Sir, you started off by renting residential. Given the state of the modern residential real estate economy, do you think buying and renting residential is…
March 22, 2018
Questions for the Chair, The Sequel
1. What made you decide to go into business? I grew up poor; no a/c in Miami or car poor, utilities, water and electric turned…
March 13, 2018
Q & A
Q: Your early educational background began with finance followed by an MBA; it’s clear you had business on your mind from the start. I was…
February 27, 2018
Ways to Analyze Real Estate Deals
What metrics do you use when analyzing a real estate deal? There are many ways to look at deals; which deal is best varies with…
February 20, 2018
Do the hard things…FIRST
Eat that frog! First thing in the morn! Get it over with! It’s often easier than you think. Do what you fear (dread/dislike) and the…
February 8, 2018
How We Respond to Adversity Can Create Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
How do you view setbacks? As learning opportunity or as failure? Do you view your capabilities as fixed, somewhat set at birth, essentially carved in…
February 8, 2018