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Positivism: Solution-Oriented Thinking
A pessimist expects the worst and usually produces it. Dead end, blind alley negativism sees unchangeable past events and an unmanageable future. By casting oneself…
June 13, 2011You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play
You can’t win the game sitting on the bench. It’s hard to impact results standing on the sidelines. You have to get involved. You have…
June 9, 2011Beyond Happiness?
Happiness: a mental state of well being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. (Wikipedia) Ask people what they want in life…
June 8, 2011Debt: Friend or Foe?
In some respects this is a silly question. I might as well ask “Food: Friend or Foe?” In moderation, consumed intelligently, both are excellent servants.…
June 7, 2011Order, Yes. Bureaucracy, No!
Order is a process that effectively and efficiently allows you to scale up to a higher level. Bureaucracy is a process that fails to work,…
May 31, 2011A Plug For Contentment
I think of contentment as the stepsister of happiness. If happiness is the swan, contentment is the ugly duckling. Everyone is pursuing happiness. Happiness gets…
May 26, 2011When Should You Lie to Yourself?
I’m purposely being dramatic, using the shock of lying to get your attention. But also I am being literally truthful because I’m about to advocate…
May 23, 2011Benefits of Part-Time Optimism
What is “part-time” optimism? It is a variation on realistic optimism, the concept that while optimism is generally beneficial there are definitely times when cold-blooded…
May 18, 2011Take a Deep Breath. Stretch.
Breathing is one of the most under-noticed, under-rated body functions. Yet there is a lot of power in controlling it. “Take a deep breath.” “Breathe…
May 17, 2011What is Your Coping Mechanism?
How do you handle stress? What do you do when it all piles up and you need to relax, kick back, escape, recharge? Exercise? Unwind…
May 16, 2011Don’t Let the Other Side Rent Space in Your Head: Winning the Mental Game
I’ve been playing racquetball regularly for more than 30 years and over that time I’ve played a lot of people. One of my regulars is…
May 10, 2011