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Excuses for Failure Aplenty…Unheeded
Absentminded i.e. quite capable of driving to the grocery store and coming home empty handed Spent a fair portion of each day lost in own…
May 21, 2020
10 Things the Most Successful People Are Always Doing
1. Planning their Lives, Working their Plan. Ordinary folks with a plan will go further than a genius without a plan. Most folks go the…
May 14, 2020
What Gift Are You Withholding?
“I’ve always wanted to….” We can all fill in the blank with some skill we have never developed, some dream we’ve never followed, some ability…
March 12, 2020
Please Don’t Take This Literally
“You can do anything you put your mind to” is an often repeated, well-meaning, bit of encouragement. While generally spoken with the best of intentions,…
February 6, 2020
A Popular Bit of Advice…That is Occasionally Out and Out Wrong
Never Give Up Folks, I’m about as driven as they come, stubborn and head strong. And yet… I’ve learned that there are many paths to…
February 4, 2020
Low expectations are one of the most subtle yet devastatingly effective forms of sabotage we can do to others and ourselves. Low expectations often masquerade…
January 14, 2020
Forget New Year’s Resolutions
Better a small promise kept than a larger one broken. Most New Year’s Resolutions fail because they are lofty goals with insufficient foundation. If it…
January 2, 2020
31,557,600 Seconds
There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year or 525,960 minutes or 8,766 hours. We are all granted the exact same amount of seconds, minutes, and…
December 10, 2019
Questions for the Chair – Part 2
Periodically NSC holds lunches with Collier Company Team Members who send in questions. The following are drawn from those events. What are the attributes of…
November 7, 2019
Triggers, Thoughts, Tendencies, and Themes
How much control do you have over your life? Your personality? Your thoughts? Whatever your answer, I assure you that a) you have more than…
August 13, 2019
Procrastination: Self Sabotage on Steroids
Of the many ways to avoid success, procrastination is one of the most effective. Procrastinators lie to themselves, telling themselves that they will have the…
July 30, 2019