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The Bright Side is the Right Side
Positive thinking is not a panacea and an upbeat attitude will not solve all problems. But in troubled times, I assure you that gloom-and-doom thinking…
July 25, 2013
The Bright Side is the Right Side
Positive thinking is not a panacea and an upbeat attitude will not solve all problems. But in troubled times, I assure you that gloom-and-doom thinking…
July 16, 2013
You Must Remember This
Your thoughts create your world. Change your mind, change your life. Thoughts held in mind attract in kind. As a man thinketh in his heart,…
July 11, 2013
Few are Born Great
Few are born great. Most achieve greatness through unrelenting effort. Day in and day out persistence, practice, practice, practice, and yet even more perseverance. Case…
July 2, 2013
Micawber’s Principle
“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds & six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditures twenty pounds ought & six, result misery.”…
June 25, 2013
Choose the Smile
David Murdock is Dole Pineapple’s CEO. And he is 90 years young. A 2010 Wall Street Journal picture shows him with a full-face smile, a…
June 20, 2013
Those Words Branded My Soul
Who is Barbara Corcoran? A diner waitress who took a $1,000 loan in 1973 and built a top residential real estate firm in New York…
June 11, 2013
Take Control of Your Self Image
This is from Zig Ziglar; 1926–2012, a master teacher in the art of self motivation. Few could say it better, none with more zest and…
May 14, 2013
The Resilient Power of Creating an Oscillating Narrative with an Upward Trend
We all have a “life story” we tell ourselves, a way we interpret the world around us. It is part self-concept, part self-fulling prophecy. Families…
May 7, 2013
The Happiness Advantage
What if EVERYTHING you thought you knew about how to be happy was flat out wrong? We tend to assume that our external world is…
April 30, 2013
“The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results,” by Bobby Knight
Bobby Knight defines negative thinking as “recognizing, addressing, and removing obstacles to winning” and goes on to say that victory tends to go to “the…
April 18, 2013