NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Just One More! The Power of Persistence and Patient Perseverance

Want success? Want to stand out? Be different/better? Simple! Just do a little bit more than others, just a little bit longer, just try a…

April 11, 2023

What Are Your Self Stories?

Self-stories are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. We humans desperately want things to make sense, so we make up stories to explain the…

April 6, 2023

Seek Out Stalwart Companions

Life has challenges, stumbling blocks to overcome, roadblocks to navigate. Your ability to nimbly and effectively respond is powerfully impacted by the friends you travel…

March 30, 2023

I Have a Kingdom I Must Rule

It all starts with you. You have been given an incredible opportunity; you have been gifted with a life, a mind, and a body, truly…

March 28, 2023

Sculpting the Self

I’ve come to believe that one of the most fundamental determinants of a person’s success in life is their Sense of Self, their self-concept. Since…

March 23, 2023

How is Your Sense of Self?

Your self-concept, your self-confidence, your degree of self-worth, your self-esteem are all closely related. Collectively, they are your “Sense of Self”, and they powerfully impact…

March 21, 2023

What is Your SQ: Spiritual Intelligence?

While I first heard the term “spiritual intelligence” very recently, it was first introduced in 1997 by Danah Zohar in ReWiring the Corporate Brain. Intuitively, I…

March 2, 2023

Where Are You Stuck?

“Where am I stuck?” is a terrific question to ask yourself every now and then. No need to wait for a major sticking point or…

February 23, 2023

Trusting Loudly

Trusting loudly simply means letting others know that you are depending on them and is a way of expressing appreciation and gratitude. Being open with…

February 7, 2023

Bow Down Not to Others’ Gods

Where did your value system come from? Have you ever hauled it out into the light and given a thorough examination? Including the reflexive responses,…

January 10, 2023

Beyond Desire: The Vital Next Step Few Take

It is not enough to desire something; the wise, the successful go one step further. They ask themselves “Why?”. Why do I want this thing,…

January 5, 2023

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