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4 Ways You Hold Yourself Back
1. Self-doubt. We tend to judge ourselves by our rough-hewn insides and others by their polished exteriors. You are greater than you know; you have…
August 23, 2018
Doing it Scared
Doing it scared means doing it before you are fully ready because we are rarely, if ever, fully ready. Doing it scared means pushing your…
August 2, 2018
Seven Ways to Sabotage Yourself
Sometimes looking at opposites brings things into greater clarity… Be Reactive: Give away your personal power; hold others responsible for your emotions and reactions. See…
July 19, 2018
Energy Management Trumps Time Management
What you focus on expands, thoughts held in mind attract in kind. Stop managing your time; start managing your focus, your thoughts, and your energy.…
July 10, 2018
The Phrase That De-Powers: “I’ll Try”
Trying isn’t doing. As Yoda said, “No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” Saying “I’ll try” is a weak response that does not create confidence; “I’ll try” is almost a pre-excuse for…
July 5, 2018
News Flash: You Don’t Have to ACT the way you FEEL
Feelings are more transitory than we sometimes realize. Emotions are frequently like the rain and the sun; they come and they go. And just as…
June 21, 2018
Six Toxic Relationship Beliefs
“A good relationship should not have problems.” “Couples who are in love, who have a good relationship, do not fight.” “If my partner has questions…
June 7, 2018
Never Compare Your Inside to Others’ Outside
When I was younger, I used to wonder when I’d finally make it to the “Other Side”, that land of milk and honey, that place…
June 5, 2018
Heart Like a River
Take a handful of salt and pour it into a drinking glass of water and the water becomes bitter, undrinkable. Pour the same handful into…
May 17, 2018
This is What I Do
How do you motivate yourself? How do you keep yourself going when you are tired, fatigued, falling behind? How do you tap into your best…
May 15, 2018
To Live Better, Think Better
In many, many ways the Quality of our Lives is directly connected to the Quality of our Thoughts. Fill your mind with fears, doubts, anger,…
May 8, 2018