NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Positive Thinking/Visualization

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“Your Money or Your Life”

“We moderns meet most of our needs, wants and desires through money. We buy everything from hope to happiness. We no longer live life, we…

June 21, 2010

“No Room for Failure, No Room for Laziness”

Julian is a 12 year old from Montana, Joy is a 15 year old from Texas. They share an unusual love, a rare desire: they…

June 14, 2010

“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”

T. Harv Eker theorizes in his book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,” that the rich, the ultra-successful, are not so much smarter than average people.…

June 4, 2010

10 Ways to Live to 100

One of my personal goals is to live to be 100 AND to be healthy and happy the whole way. I don’t want to just…

May 19, 2010

Expect Success, Plan for Failure

The more complex a system or situation, the more true this phrase is. I am a firm believer in having backups within backups for all…

May 18, 2010


Yesterday, May 11th, was my birthday, the date of my birth. I think of birthdays as a great time to reflect, as accountability checkpoints. What…

May 12, 2010

Is an A Really a B?

Grade inflation is back. After a big episode during the Vietnam war to protect students’ draft deferments, grade inflation re-emerged in force starting in 1986,…

May 10, 2010

You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play

You can’t win the game sitting on the bench. It’s hard to impact results standing on the sidelines. You have to get involved. You have…

May 4, 2010

The 5 A’s We All Need

Primates are unusual among mammals. In times of danger or crisis, most mammals run somewhere. We humans tend to run to someone. We need each…

May 3, 2010

The Paradox of the Happy Peasant

Miserable millionaires? Happy poor? The phrases seem backwards, almost an affront to our deep-seated but often unspoken belief in the power of prosperity to create…

April 21, 2010

50 Ways to Leave Your Past

Want the “Wisdom of the Ages,” CliffsNotes version? “Secrets of Success” distilled? Sit back and relax because Tom Butler-Bowdon has done all the work for…

April 19, 2010

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