NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Positive Thinking/Visualization

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How to be Miserable… and the Antidote

Want to be miserable? Complain! Constantly! Construct a never-ending litany of things you deplore and fixate on them. Focus on all that is wrong with…

July 21, 2022

What You Choose to Emphasize Sets the Course of Your Days

What you focus on expands; thoughts held in mind attract in kind and every thought has emotional consequences. When you wallow in the downside, your…

July 19, 2022

Some folks feel the rain. Others just get wet.

Life. Stuff happens. Some of it beyond bad, other stuff beyond a doubt awesomely wonderful. But most stuff lies in between those extremes and that…

July 12, 2022

Drama is for the Stage

Personal or relationship drama (i.e. non-literary) refers to a situation blown out of proportion, or one involving unnecessary emotional turbulence or even made-up conflict. Drama occurs for multiple…

July 5, 2022

Are You Keeping Your Side of the Street Clean?

A common way in which we distract ourselves from doing our own internal work is focus on faults of others or how we’ve been wronged.…

June 30, 2022

Eight Powerful and Very Learnable Traits of Highly Confident People

They are voracious learners Insatiably curious, confident people continuously seek out new knowledge, ask intelligent, interesting questions, and listen to the answers. As lifelong learners,…

June 21, 2022

Memorize This

“Every thought, every emotion, every action has energy consequences.” The energy can be positive or negative but it is undeniable that thoughts, emotions, and actions…

June 9, 2022

The 6 R’s: Pathway to a New, Better, Happier You

The human mind is an incredible thing! It is estimated that we humans have between 50,000-80,000 thoughts a day. Unfortunately, all too many are automatic,…

June 2, 2022

Guesthouse Emotions

Never give the Master Bedroom to emotions that belong in the Guest House (at best!). Listen, we all have bad days, moods, fits, impulses to…

May 24, 2022

Expectancy Effect: Make it Your Ally, Not Your Foe

The “Expectancy Effect” is the phenomenon by which folk’s perceptions and behavior change as a result of their or others prior beliefs i.e. expectations. It…

May 10, 2022

Seeking Failure

Why would anyone seek failure? Well, absent situations with catastrophic consequences (packing your parachute?), failure often contains valuable feedback, lessons that can form the foundation…

May 5, 2022

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