NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Step by Step (Habit Creation)

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Three Simple Rules To Put You in the Top 10%

Live Smart Avoid Dumb Don’t Sabotage That’s it! Rather straightforward, right? However, like many things, principles aren’t that complicated, it’s the day-to-day application that gets…

January 18, 2022

Better than Goals

I’m a big believer in goals, hard targets to shoot for, mountain tops to dream of. And yet as I journey through my 7th decade,…

January 13, 2022

How Bad Do You Want It?

At The Collier Companies we have a long tradition of Book Clubs which typically read 3 or 4 books a year. Which is good and…

January 4, 2022

New Year’s Resolutions are for Novices; Here are Hints for Being a Pro

First and Foremost! Start Small, Build on your wins. Make it hard to quit, build in rest stops, plan for plateaus! i.e. I will play…

December 30, 2021

It’s Not as Easy as You Think

There are probably over 5,000 athletes playing Division 1 college football. Every year maybe 250 get to go to the NFL. Five Percent. Max. One…

December 21, 2021

Are You Paying Attention?

Our moods and emotions are not random. They generally spring not so much from what happens in our life but rather how we interpret them.…

December 16, 2021

Paths to Apatheia

Apatheia in Stoic philosophy is a calm state of mind where one’s composure is not disrupted by negative emotions. It is most assuredly not indifference…

December 9, 2021

Habits: They Pave both the Road to Heaven and the Pathway to Failure

Wherever you are, you are there because of your habits. Why? Well, the secret of your future is buried in your daily routine and today…

December 7, 2021

Three Mind Tricks of the Super Successful

Desire is far, far more powerful than discipline. If it is what you truly want, you will blow through virtually any obstacle to get there.…

December 2, 2021

Do These Seven Things to Turbo Charge Your Life

Believe in yourself. If you don’t, few will. Don’t rent out space in your head to the opposition, make your internal voice your champion, your…

November 23, 2021

One Secret of Calm People: Embracing JOMO

JOMO is the “Joy of Missing Out” and is the polar opposite of FOMO, the “Fear of Missing Out”. JOMO is intense feeling of delight…

November 4, 2021

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