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WAIT: Why Am I Talking?
Given that we learn most when we listen and nada when we talk, why do we choose to talk? All too often, it is a…
March 16, 2021
Hard Work Alone is Never Enough
Much has been made of the theory that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill. The idea was popularized by Malcolm Gladwell…
February 23, 2021
Dreams are Easy
Anyone can have a dream and anyone can daydream their life away. But are you willing to commit to a viable action plan to make…
February 16, 2021
The steady stream of thoughts in our head, our self-talk, is so constant that we lose awareness of their impact. Yet thoughts are things and…
February 11, 2021
You Will NEVER Get it ALL Done
Face it, Live with it, Deal with it: You will never get it ALL done. And if you think you have, it’s an illusion. And…
February 9, 2021
How Strong is your Mind Moat?
We all know what a moat is, a protective ditch that surrounds valuable real estate. Moats are usually wide and deep and down here in…
January 26, 2021
Seven Habits that Drain Your Energy
Taking it personally: It’s rarely about you. Really. Lugging the Past into the Present: The Past should be a place of Reference, not Residence. Junk/Fast…
January 5, 2021
Renew Your Strength Daily
You would never go a day without feeding your body; why would you let a day pass without feeding your mind? Without going to some…
December 31, 2020
Nudge Yourself Forward
Please pass on grand, sweeping, “overhaul”-style New Year’s resolutions. Instead, resolve to simply nudge yourself forward, bit by comfortable bit, to being your best self…
December 29, 2020
“There is very little difference between people but that little difference makes a big difference.” – W. Clement Stone One little difference that makes a big…
December 15, 2020
Making the Leap: From Supervisor to Advisor
The common fallacy, usually unspoken but scrupulously adhered to nonetheless, is that someone is made a supervisor because of their “super” vision i.e. superior talents.…
November 19, 2020