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Think Cost CONTROL Not Cost Cutting: Effective Cost Management Does NOT Always Mean Finding the Least Expensive
Anyone can cut expenses stupidly, in a way that hurts more in the short run than it helps in the long run. It takes someone…
December 6, 2012
Dominance, Dependence, Detachment: Three Responses to Life
How much are we driven by anxiety, by a desire for security? Karen Horney; 1885–1952, was a German psychoanalyst who postulated in “Neurosis and Human…
November 6, 2012
Quality is NOT Goodness, or Even Excellence
Quality is conformance to specified standards. Goodness is an undefended term, even an emotional one. Even excellence is subjective, a value judgment that will vary…
October 16, 2012
Daily Strokes of Effort
People are creatures of habit. How could we not be? Otherwise the myriad decisions required each day would overwhelm us. It is our routines that…
August 28, 2012
First IQ, Then EQ, and Now PQ
IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, measures our basic mathematical and verbal intelligence. EQ, or Emotional Quotient, measures our emotional awareness, both of ourselves and others, as…
July 24, 2012
In Memorium, Stephen R. Covey
Stephen R. Covey, Herald of Good Habits, Dies at 79 By DOUGLAS MARTIN As appeared in The New York Times, Tuesday, July 17, 2012 Stephen…
July 20, 2012
Triage: Can You Walk The Line?
Triage is a medical term for the process, in an emergency or disaster, of separating the injured into three groups: 1. The hopeless or those…
July 19, 2012
Tickler File: A Busy Person’s Best Friend
A tickler file is a way to write notes to your future self. At its simplest level, it is a calendar where you write future…
June 19, 2012
No Whining Please
Whining: To complain needlessly, peevishly, in an unreasonable, repeated, or irritating way Okay, life can be tough at times, often unfair. Customers can be demanding.…
June 12, 2012
Motivation and the Two-Factor Theory
The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, rather no satisfaction. Similarly, the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction. The two-factor theory of motivation was developed…
May 29, 2012
Muda, Mura, Muri
Muda, Mura, and Muri are three Japanese words representing core focuses in the Toyota Way of eliminating waste and inefficiency and increasing profitability. MUDA –…
May 22, 2012