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Experience Follows Vision
The way we choose so see the world, what aspects we focus on, powerfully impact our experience of the world. Everyone is a complex mixture…
February 16, 2023
Simply because they have thoughts (i.e. words form) in their heads, most folks believe they know how to think. But if you define thinking as…
January 31, 2023
Where Does Your Miss Havisham Reside?
Miss Havisham is the central character in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations who was jilted at the alter and chose to wear her wedding dress for…
January 26, 2023
Who Is Writing Your Programming?
The short answer is, for most folk, everyone and no one. All too many drift through life like a ship without a rudder (or at…
January 12, 2023
To Live a Better Life; Avoid These Two All-Too-Common Forms of Self Sabotage
Self-Doubt You must believe in yourself (even if it takes a leap of faith at times!) before others will. Folks tend to sense your self-appraisal…
December 29, 2022
I’m a North Star Person; I Sail a Steady Course
Our self-concept, how we see ourselves, is a powerful determinant of our lives. Who we believe we are is a construct we’ve picked up from…
December 22, 2022
The Double Tap Response: Specific AND Systematic
Successful people approach problems differently than others. They search for solutions at multiple levels; solutions that are both Specific AND Systematic. Yes, they want to…
December 20, 2022
Choose Heaven
More than we often realize, how we choose to view our world shapes our world. The frame we give events, the way we interpret the…
December 15, 2022
Our Hurts Become Our Fears; Our Fears Become Our Limits
Our hurts often become our fears and then all too frequently our fears become our limits… if we let them, if we live an unaware…
December 6, 2022
AMY isn’t Your Friend
The amygdala, or AMY for short (from AMYgdala) is an almond-shaped cluster of nuclei located deep within the temporal lobes of your brain. AMY is…
November 29, 2022
Small Blessings Count Too
Elizabeth Gilbert (‘Eat, Pray, Love’) once said “You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.” I take her words to mean…
November 24, 2022