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The term Safetyism comes from “The Coddling of the American Mind” and speaks to a culture unwilling to make ANY risk tradeoffs whatsoever i.e., not…
August 17, 2021
Acquire the Skillset to Make a Real Difference: Embrace Systems Thinking
A system is any group of things or people that interact or are interrelated or interdependent and thus form a much more complex whole. Systems…
August 10, 2021
Vivre Sans Temps Mort
“Vivre Sans Temps Mort” is French for “to live without wasted time.” The way we choose to spend our time defines who we are, how our…
July 22, 2021
Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor
This July 4th, as we celebrate the 245th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, we would do well to pause and reflect on the extraordinary…
July 6, 2021
The Subtle Weakness of Smart Groups
Interestingly, in the absence of a well-organized structure, effective processes, policies, and procedures and competent leadership, the IQ of any group, the more so with…
June 29, 2021
Success is Never On Sale
You always have to pay full price for success. Success is never half-price, never on discount. You won’t find success in the bargain bin or at…
June 17, 2021
The Talent Myth Mind Trap
All too many believe that talent is the key to success. WRONG! While certainly helpful, talent as an innate gift is not the primary driver…
June 15, 2021
Believe in Your Inner Hero
There is a hero inside of all of us. Yes, inside you and yes, inside me. There is a hero dormant within all of us, just waiting…
June 3, 2021
Critical Thinking Skills Career Hints
Targeted Activities v. Desired Results Targeted Activities are the WHAT and HOW of what you do to get to your Desired Result. Your Desired Result…
June 1, 2021
Tikkun Olam
Tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that is often translated as “repair the world”. In traditional Jewish teachings it is usually thought of as properly…
May 27, 2021
Beware Blur Words
Blur words or phrases are wording that is open to multiple meanings. Often blur words reflect the user’s interpretation of behavior that might have other…
May 25, 2021