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Dreams are Easy
Anyone can have a dream and anyone can daydream their life away. But are you willing to commit to a viable action plan to make…
February 16, 2021
You Will NEVER Get it ALL Done
Face it, Live with it, Deal with it: You will never get it ALL done. And if you think you have, it’s an illusion. And…
February 9, 2021
How Strong is a Chain with a Broken Link?
Q: How strong is a chain with a broken link? A: Not strong at all. The same holds true in large measure for any service…
February 4, 2021
Train It, Trust It
“Train it, then trust it” is a mantra for athletes about releasing worries in the moment of performance and having faith in the depth of…
January 28, 2021
Who is in Control?
What (or who?) runs your life? Where do you think the locus of control lies? Folks divide up into those that believe the locus of…
January 19, 2021
Leaders that Don’t
To be effective, a leader must be comfortable being in charge, at ease with being in command. They must give direction with the calm confidence…
January 14, 2021
Something Stands in the Way
There is always something in the way of anything meaningful, anything of significance you wish to be or accomplish. If there weren’t, you’d already have…
January 12, 2021
Effective Caring
As emotionally evolved humans, we all want a better world so at one level we care about many things, most beyond our ability to impact…
January 7, 2021
How Strong is a Chain with a Broken Link?
“How Strong is a Chain with a Broken Link?” is a rhetorical question if ever there was one: a broken link = a broken chain.…
December 22, 2020
Playing the Insurance Game
In the context of business, what I call ‘”Playing the Insurance Game” is when someone, particularly one in a position of responsibility or authority, does…
December 17, 2020
“There is very little difference between people but that little difference makes a big difference.” – W. Clement Stone One little difference that makes a big…
December 15, 2020