NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: The Knowing (Self Awareness)

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The Lie We Keep Telling Ourselves… Even Though We Know Better

“I’ll be happy when…” is a refrain that echoes around the backroads of our minds, a micro program that runs all so often just beneath…

August 24, 2023

The Key that Opens Doors

Like many, at times in my life I’ve struggled with the concept of discipline. I mean ‘Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.’ Does that…

August 22, 2023

Den of Lions

Nigh on 30 years ago I read the Den of Lions by Terry Anderson, the journalist who was kidnapped by Shiite militants in Beirut, Lebanon…

August 10, 2023

Passing Trees

After having read it years ago, I am now listening to Micky Singer’s ‘Untethered Soul’ on Audible in my car. Micky uses the analogy of…

August 8, 2023

How to Develop Strong EQ

Two prong process; inner and outer: First, know thy self.                 Gain self-awareness: journaling is very helpful; reflecting back on the day is akin to…

August 3, 2023

Windshield Wipers for the Soul

Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way) once described journaling as “spiritual windshield wipers”. I can personally attest to the power of journaling to calm one’s soul,…

August 1, 2023

The Easiest and yet the Hardest Thing

Rome was not built in a day and many an “overnight” success was decades in the making. We all have the same 24 hours; it…

July 20, 2023

How Vibrant is Your Prohairesis?

Prohairesis is Greek and translates as “choice”, “will”, or “volition” and was a favored topic of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus (50 – 135 AD).  Essentially,…

July 18, 2023

Oh, How I Love the Balcony!

It is SO easy to get caught up in the drama of life, to let emotions hijack your day. A technique I’ve been using more…

July 13, 2023

How Strong is Your Soul?

Like most everything else, your soul is only as strong as it is nurtured. The adage “Energy flows where focus goes” is certainly true here.…

July 11, 2023

I’m Busy Now; Maybe Later

We humans tend to have this incessant inner dialogue going on inside our heads; an endless chatterbox. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes the form of a…

July 4, 2023

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