Good judgment is the ability to combine knowledge and wisdom to make good decisions. Good judgment requires that we accumulate enough knowledge before making decisions, that we verify the accuracy, quality and diversity/sufficiency of the information we have received. Much of the input we get will fall on a spectrum from hard fact to advice and opinion. Good judgment requires us to not only understand our own bias but also the bias of our information sources, and their relevant experience and expertise. It takes a well-grounded individual to seek out feedback, to ask for help and council, to acknowledge their need for other’s input.

Good judgment includes the ability to listen deeply, to be self-aware, to have high emotional intelligence together with a breadth of experience and exposure that facilitates seeing patterns and deeper relationships that others might miss.  

Bad judgment springs from a refusal to hear or entertain conflicting points of view, a tendency to ignore data that does not conform to pre-existing bias, sticking with rules without regard to context or changing circumstances and a yielding to the pressure to take action, any action, simply to relieve tension and alleviate stress.

Closing Quotes:

“Wisdom fails without knowledge and yet all the knowing in the world is of little value where there is little wisdom in the application.” – NSC

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience? Well, a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” – Will Rogers, 1879-1935 (airplane crash)

“While good judgment is important to success, success is not a signal that there has been good judgment.” – Sir Andrew Likierman, London School of Business

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier