Treat all with respect, kindness, and civility; even if you disagree with them; especially if you disagree with them! It’s easy to be nice to folk you agree with, who think and act like you do; the true test of your mettle is how you treat those whose beliefs irritate you. Remember! You can disagree with someone without making them wrong (You’ve never changed your mind? And just because someone is wrong/disagrees with you does NOT make them a bad person! Humans are complex, incredibly multi-faceted.)

Pack your own weight; make a positive difference and it is reasonable to expect others to do likewise. Ask for help if you need it but take no more than you truly need AND pay it back/forward as soon as possible and do so with compound interest.

Aspire to be the best version of you possible. Aspire to grow daily, develop self-awareness and an abiding thirst for learning, knowledge, and wisdom. Journal, reflect, cultivate introspection and deep curiosity, make raising your EQ a priority. Anchor your sense of self deep within and keep your self-talk positive and solution oriented. To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice your gift. To make the most of your potential, create a mission statement and a plan for your life with goals for every major role along with action plans and accountability check points. Choose your companions carefully; in many respects you are the sum total of those you spend the most time with. Monitor your habits, momentum is powerful: the secret of your future is buried in your daily routine. Today is the reality you created yesterday, what are you creating for tomorrow?

Closing Quotes:

“Don’t complain, contribute.” – Simon Sinek, Together Is Better

“Bit by bit better every day; helping others along the way.” – NSC affirmation

“Each day presents you a good opportunity, to make the world a better place.” – Gift Gugu Mona, South African Poet

“Bettering yourself is intelligence. Bettering others is virtue. Bettering the world is enlightenment.” – Matshona Dhliwayo, Dinner with King Solomon

“The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.” – Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

As always, I share what I most want and need to learn. – Nathan S. Collier