On this Memorial Day, it behooves us to remember the long line of men and women who have died that we may live in freedom and in democratic prosperity. Their sacrifices earned us our liberty.
Are we, as individuals and as a country, worthy of their sacrifices?
Most of us are familiar with Steven Spielberg’s World War II film “Private Ryan,” where Captain Miller and others die that Private Ryan might live. As he dies, Miller directs his last words to Ryan. “James… earn this. Earn it.”
As an old man Ryan visits Miller’s grave and tearfully asks his wife. “Tell me I’ve lived a good life. Tell me I’m a good man.”
I suggest to you that Miller’s last words apply to all of us: “America… earn this. Earn it.”
“America… earn this. Earn it.” These words come from every vet and are the sacred obligation, joyous duty, and honored responsibility of every American.
As a country, to be the City on the Hill, a bright and shining light of all the best in humanity, fulfilling the greatest potential of the human spirit.
As individuals, to live a life worthy of the sacrifices that make a life of freedom possible, daily doing our level best to be our best, living our lives to be the finest role models we can envision.
What will you do today, tomorrow, and for all your tomorrows to live a life worthy of the ultimate sacrifices that have made it possible?