“Time is not linear” is a saying I use to remind myself that all moments are not the same. That time varies, that time in my peak moments, my high energy moments, may be more valuable, particularly for some tasks, than time in my lower energy moments.
We are all aware of how time can seem to crawl in a classroom or meeting where we are not involved or interested, and how time can zoom by when we are in the “flow” or in at a sporting event or other activity that completely engages our mind and senses.
At one level or another we all are aware that we experience time differently in different moods or in different environments, but how effectively do we use this information? Do we use it to plan our days to maximum effectiveness?
My wife is extremely creative and has an artistic side. At the same time she possesses an M.B.A. and enjoys monitoring certain aspects of my business. She has repeatedly expressed the awareness that it is relatively easy for her to go from creative activities to business meetings during the day, but much more challenging to go from her business mindset to her creative/artistic mode.
I find my early morning hours to be very conducive to writing, blogging, journaling, deep thinking. Once the hurley-burly of the day starts, I am challenged to find that side of me.
“Time is not linear.”
All moments are not created or experienced equally. Increase your awareness of your experience of time, of the moments of the day. Use that self-knowledge to plan your day to create your best masterpiece.
Closing quotes:
“We say we waste time but that is impossible. We waste ourselves.” — Alice Bloch, lecturer in European Politics at Goldsmiths College, University of London.
“Time is the justice that examines all offenders.” — William Shakespeare, “As You Like It,” Act IV, Scene I