NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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Our True Measure

It is in times like these that life takes our “true measure”. In times of crisis, of peril, when the storms of life rage, when…

April 7, 2020

The Healthy Upside and Potential Downside of Amour Proper

Amour proper is French and means literally “self-love”. As a philosophical concept, it is found in the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Blaise Pascal, La Rochefoucauld…

April 2, 2020

Summum Bonum

Summum bonum is a Latin phrase meaning “the highest good” and represents a concept introduced by the Roman philosopher Cicero. While some philosophies associate the…

March 31, 2020

Walking the Valley

Between every mountain lies a valley. Some are wide and smooth, others narrow, rocky, and rough yet all must be traversed. Most of us have…

March 26, 2020

Beware Brittle Learning

“Brittle Learning” is superficial knowing; where you’ve memorized a few “lessons” but do not truly understand the underlying principles. The minute the environment changes (and…

March 24, 2020

Overlearning: Practice Beyond Perfect

Overlearning means learning more about a subject than the minimum necessary; also practicing a skill above and beyond achieving threshold mastery. The theory being that…

March 19, 2020

A Faster Horse

“If I had asked people what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.” – Henry Ford 1863-1947 We don’t always fully understand what…

March 17, 2020

What Gift Are You Withholding?

“I’ve always wanted to….” We can all fill in the blank with some skill we have never developed, some dream we’ve never followed, some ability…

March 12, 2020

The Stories We Tell

Take a moment and reflect back upon the life stories you return to, that repeat in your mind, that define you. These “root stories” create…

March 10, 2020

The Mysterious Alchemy of Teams

The best performing group isn’t necessarily the one with the smartest people in it. Team Performance is a lot like happiness: success is best brought…

March 5, 2020

Better is better than Best

Business (and Life) is a multi-player, multi-move game that is never ending, where new players can enter the game at any time and the rules…

March 3, 2020

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