NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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What Makes You You?

What makes you you? Different from everyone else? What are your unique skills, interests, and talents? Your fears, your hopes? Your strengths, your weaknesses? What…

September 19, 2019

Catch, Acknowledge, Release and Relax

We humans are capable of amazing feats, we are creative, and we can accomplish astounding things. Yet none of us can change the past; we…

September 17, 2019

Slip Slidin’ Away

Do you have a plan for your life? Goals for all your six major roles in life? – Career/Financial – Family/Personal – Physical/Health – Education/Mental…

September 12, 2019

How Great is Your Range?

How great is your range? Are you a generalist or a specialist? If you are a specialist (and the world needs both specialists and generalists),…

September 10, 2019

The Thief in Your Mind

There is a thief that lies waiting in all too many folks’ minds; a thief that will steal their peace of mind and rob them…

September 5, 2019

If Your Life is Your Message, What Are You Saying?

What legacy are you creating? Are you kind? Patient? Grateful? Considerate? Our close relationships speak volumes about our true selves; what does your conduct say…

September 3, 2019

The # 1 Emotional Parasite to Evict From Your Mind

Fear comes in many disguises, doubt being its most common mask. If our self-image rejects fear or doubt, then excessive “caution”, its close cousin, comes…

August 29, 2019

Are Your Stories Blinding You?

We tend to create stories about people and places. These stories come with expectations, scripts, and pre-conceptions based upon our past experiences, both specific to…

August 27, 2019

Putting the Safety on Your Triggers

Doing as well as we know is an ongoing challenge for us humans. We over-eat, sit when we should move, lose our cool, give in…

August 22, 2019

Default Mode v. Choice

What do you think about when you think about nothing? What do you do when you have nothing to do? What do you do when…

August 20, 2019

Ordinary Thinking Gets You an Ordinary Existence

Ordinary thinking is what passes most of the time for thinking i.e. “the action of using one’s mind to produce thoughts”. Ordinary thinking requires little to…

August 15, 2019

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