NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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The Phrase That De-Powers: “I’ll Try”

Trying isn’t doing. As Yoda said, “No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” Saying “I’ll try” is a weak response that does not create confidence; “I’ll try” is almost a pre-excuse for…

July 5, 2018

Most Ideas About Leadership are Wrong

Leadership is NOT a position; rather leadership is a frame of mind, an attitude. Most think that leadership flows from positional power yet in an…

July 3, 2018

The Seduction of Role Suction

Role suction refers to the tendency to drop back into familiar roles either from childhood, or previous relationships or jobs. Common roles are the joker,…

June 28, 2018

Are You F.P.F.P.?

F.P.F.P. stands for “Fully Prepared for the Past”. There is a saying that “Armies are always ready to fight the last war” meaning that there is…

June 26, 2018

News Flash: You Don’t Have to ACT the way you FEEL

Feelings are more transitory than we sometimes realize. Emotions are frequently like the rain and the sun; they come and they go. And just as…

June 21, 2018

Who holds your strings?

As in puppet strings; as in who is in control? The only good answer is “I do!” Yet even in the 7th decade of my…

June 19, 2018

Three Ways to Make Stress Your Ally

The impact of stress tends to follow an “Inverted U”: Some level is motivational and helpful however past a certain point, some folks experience the…

June 14, 2018

Objectivius Shinium Syndromus

Objectivius Shinium Syndromus or “Shiny Object Syndrome” (SOS) is the tendency to let a new idea or concept or venture capture your imagination to a…

June 12, 2018

Six Toxic Relationship Beliefs

“A good relationship should not have problems.” “Couples who are in love, who have a good relationship, do not fight.” “If my partner has questions…

June 7, 2018

Never Compare Your Inside to Others’ Outside

When I was younger, I used to wonder when I’d finally make it to the “Other Side”, that land of milk and honey, that place…

June 5, 2018

Can You Self-Distance?

“Self-distancing” is the ability to stand outside one’s self and gain perspective, to in essence take a psychological “time-out”. It’s your mother’s “count to 10…

May 31, 2018

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