NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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The Original American Dream

The phrase “The American Dream” was coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931. Originally it had nothing to do with material success or wealth but…

August 22, 2017

Staying in Control Even When You are Out of Control

Most of us tend to lose it every now and then; it’s part of being human. The key is to not lose it all when…

August 17, 2017

How Comfortable Are You with Being Uncomfortable?

Discussing certain topics, addressing troubling issues, doing a dreaded task: we all have them and all often require that we enter a zone of discomfort;…

August 15, 2017

Wanting is Not Enough, Everyone Wants

The real question is what are you willing to DO to get what you want? What actions will you take? What will you sacrifice? Invest?…

August 10, 2017

A Quick and Easy (and All too Common) Way to Sabotage Success

How do folks sabotage themselves? They habitually engage in “Delay Discounting”. Huh? Delay discounting? What’s that? Delay discounting is what behavioral economists call the human…

August 8, 2017

Six Things That Determine How Long You Live

1) Physical Activity: Do you MOVE? 30 to 45 minutes a day of BRISK exercise i.e. does it raise your heart beat? Push your lungs?…

August 3, 2017

The Illusion of Half-Working

“Half-Working” is the time we spend being non-productive when we are supposed to be working. For most, it is close to 25% of their alleged…

August 1, 2017

The Lazy Guide to Success; Three Principles

Take Easy Baby Steps (Repeat ad Infinitum) Being basically a lazy person (I’m always looking for a faster, easier way) I figured out a long,…

July 27, 2017

You WILL Pay the Price…

Yes, we all get lucky now and then and something wonderful falls into our laps and that’s terrific. However, as a general rule, “wishing and…

July 25, 2017

Mentor’s Reply to Young Entrepreneur’s Questions (Part XIX)

Hello Mr. Collier, I hope all is well. When you get a moment could you please answer these? Would you agree that using all of…

July 20, 2017

How Often do you Engage in “Prosocial Deception”?

A “Prosocial Deception” is a falsehood spoken without the intent to harm i.e. a white lie: “minor or unimportant lie, especially one uttered in the interests…

July 18, 2017

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