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Criticism: Friend or Foe?
If we choose to regard anything less than praise as an attack, then we cease to hear anything useful a critic may have to say.…
September 24, 2009Learning to Ring Pavlov’s* Bell Ourselves
Understanding How Social Cues Influence Our Behavior We are always picking up cues from our environment and responding to them, most of the time without…
September 22, 2009Just Deal With It: Getting in Touch With Your Survival Instinct
(Friday’s Populist Capitalist Blog Post) Craig Fugate, the new head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a man who evidently believes in speaking…
September 11, 2009(2 of 3) Stephen R. Covey on Empowerment
Empowerment is the process of sharing knowledge, authority, and responsibility further down the organization than previously thought possible. The goal is to fully tap into…
August 26, 2009Rational Assessments of Risk
We humans are a funny lot. We voluntarily take on significant risk when we “think” we are in control and frequently shun the mildest safety…
August 25, 2009PopCap: “The right of the people to be secure…against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”
(Friday’s Populist Capitalist Blog Post) “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,…
August 7, 2009Showing and Doing Speaks Louder Than Telling
Most of us are visual: We often learn best by seeing. A leader’s personal behavior speaks volumes; most organizations, for better or worse, are the…
July 21, 2009The Journal
There is a stack of used writing pads beside a chair in my home office. Most are yellow paper, most are letter-sized pads, a few…
July 13, 2009Online Degrees: For Real?
How does learning occur? How do you know that learning has occurred? What about knowledge? How is knowledge transferred? How are skills acquired? What about…
July 8, 2009Do You Want to Live Forever?
Percentage of people in the 17 countries surveyed who say they want to live forever: Do you want to live forever? As long as I…
June 29, 2009“The Long and Winding Road”
Steve Ballmer has been the CEO of Microsoft since 2000 and by his own admission he is a “chop, chop, chop, chop, chop” (yes, that’s…
June 25, 2009