NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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The First Step

I want to live a good life and I also want to live the good life and while they are definitely related, there is a…

March 10, 2022

The Best Tool in Your Mental Skills Toolbox… that no one talks about

Being “controlling” has a negative vibe these days and appropriately so in the context of a personal relationship. As a result, the concept of “control”…

March 8, 2022

The World is a Giant Mirror

The world is a giant mirror, reflecting back the attitudes, energy, and behaviors you choose to broadcast. Don’t like what you see? Change what you…

March 3, 2022

3 Important Life Hacks We All Say We Know but Few Actually Do

Happiness is a choice: But not always an easy one. It requires that you discipline your mind and decide to walk on the sunny side…

February 24, 2022

Four Easy Ways to Self-Sabotage

Poison Your Body with Junk Food and Drinks. Love Yourself? Want to live long and healthy? Want more energy? Avoid processed food, red meat, and…

February 15, 2022

Consolidate Your Caring

It is possible to care too much, both from the perspective of 1) being ineffective and of 2) emotional exhaustion. Far better to positively impact…

November 30, 2021

One Secret of Calm People: Embracing JOMO

JOMO is the “Joy of Missing Out” and is the polar opposite of FOMO, the “Fear of Missing Out”. JOMO is intense feeling of delight…

November 4, 2021

You Need a PET

No, I’m not talking about a furry four-legged mammal though you may benefit from one of those as well (personally I’ve had dogs most of…

October 21, 2021

Do You Support? Or Do You Shift?

In a conversation, support is when our response draws out another person, giving them an opportunity to go deeper or open up more. Shift is…

September 23, 2021

Seven Habits of Happy People

They monitor their self-talk; keep it positive, solution oriented. They choose companions in life that challenge them to be their best. They Release. They focus…

September 9, 2021


The term Safetyism comes from “The Coddling of the American Mind” and speaks to a culture unwilling to make ANY risk tradeoffs whatsoever i.e., not…

August 17, 2021

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