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On the Importance of Keeping Score
From “The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals” by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling p. 156 PEOPLE PLAY DIFFERENTLY WHEN…
June 5, 2015
3 Ways to Love Yourself Better
1) Get Your Self Talk on Your Side: We all have a little voice inside our head that carries on a running internal dialogue. Sometimes…
June 2, 2015
The Waste of an Unthinking Life
The dictionary defines “unthinking” as “Not taking due thought; thoughtless or heedless; exhibiting a lack of thought.” Too many lives are wasted, vast human potential squandered, for the lack of a bit of thought; some…
May 21, 2015
Expectations: Are You Living UP to your Expectations? Or DOWN to Them?
Spoiler Alert! I’m not perfect. Not much of a surprise, was it? We all know that nobody is perfect yet we often spend an inordinate amount…
April 2, 2015
Hoper’s v. Doer’s
Some folks say “I hope it happens”. Well, what is “it”? And what has to happen in order for “it” to happen? And how can you impact that?…
March 19, 2015
Simple Steps to More Energy
Awareness: Pay attention to your energy levels, what raises them, what drains them. Learn your patterns and routines and triggers. Understanding your energy levels is…
March 10, 2015
35 Questions for a Real Estate Investor, 35 Answers
I recently had someone ask if I would be willing to be a mentor. I responded with a request for more specificity as to what…
February 17, 2015
8 Small Steps Toward a Giant Leap Forward
Your mind has a memory! This can work for you or against you; it’s up to you, for you become what you repeatedly do. Here “8…
February 10, 2015
Who Do You Want to Be?
Do you understand the difference between Goal Setting and Creating a Mission Statement? Many don’t because the difference, while important, is subtle. Goals are WHAT…
February 5, 2015
Personality Powerfully Predicts Performance
“There are some subjects in which I could never do well.” “I study every day because it is important.” Which of the above statements resonates most…
January 29, 2015
Positive Thinking v. Fantasy Thinking
Some folks seem to believe that practicing Positive Thinking means to never, ever have any thoughts whatsoever that deal with the negative, with failure, bad…
January 27, 2015