NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Goal Setting

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“The Perils of Giving in to ‘Feel Good’ Distractors”

A “feel good” distractor is anything we choose to do instead of what we know we should do (i.e. what we do when we procrastinate).…

January 23, 2014

So Easy When I Want To

The fifth (and final) blog seeking to encourage, enthuse, and energize YOU to create your life plan for the new year! The new year has…

December 30, 2013

If Not Now, When?

The fourth in a series of blog posts appealing, beseeching, imploring YOU to design a written life plan for the coming year! Life happens. Time…

December 27, 2013

Excuse Me! Your Life is Waiting!

Third in a series of blog posts urging, begging, pleading with you to turbo-charge your existence with a WRITTEN life plan for the coming year! I think…

December 23, 2013

Yesterday You Said Tomorrow

The second in a series of posts prodding, pushing, and poking you to get moving on your life plan for next year. The clock is…

December 19, 2013

Time to START

Time to start what? Time to start thinking about your roles and goals for the coming year. It is mere days until the New Year.…

December 17, 2013

Three Reasons to Beware the Advice of Successful People

Why? 1. Truth be told, many highly successful people are so busy doing WHAT they do best that they do not truly know or understand…

October 24, 2013

The Farther Reaches of Human Nature

Abraham Maslow is famous for his hierarchy of human needs known as Maslow’s pyramid. While these needs exist in every role we have in life…

October 17, 2013

Success: The Cliffs Notes Version

This is as concise as I know how to make it: 1. Set Goals: You GOTTA set goals. If you don’t have a dream, how…

September 12, 2013

The Incredible Power of Impossible Goals: How Aspirational Should We Be?

“My goal is always the same: to keep the other player from ever scoring a point.  That doesn’t always happen,  but that’s what I try…

August 29, 2013

The Positive Uses of False Memory

“In my mind, I’m always the best. If I walk out on the court (and) I think the next person is better, I’ve already lost.” …

August 15, 2013

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