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Hard Work Required
“I think he finally got the message that he’s got a lot of talent and he has a lot of ability but without the work,…
October 25, 2011
Unconscious Living
Ran across a golf book recently called “Unconscious Putting,” by Dave Stockton with Rudy Matthew. Its thesis is that while the long game in golf…
October 20, 2011
On “Willpower: The Greatest Human Strength,” by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney
Science has turned its attention of late to the study of willpower, and it should be no surprise that research has shown that self-control is…
October 11, 2011
A Commander’s Creed: Netanyahu and the Raid on Entebbe
On June 27, 1976, Palestinian terrorists hijacked Air France Flight 139 and flew it to Entebbe, Uganda. All non-Israeli passengers, except one French citizen, were…
September 2, 2011
The Power of an Auteur
When it comes to design, Apple is run by a committee of one: Steve Jobs. Jobs reputedly concerns himself with the most minute details of…
August 26, 2011
If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority
When everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. If everything is important, then nothing is important. Medicine responds to this potential dilemma with…
August 25, 2011
If it were easy, everyone would do it…
If it were easy, everyone would do it. And it would already be done. Face it, 90 percent of the time the easy stuff has…
August 23, 2011
Tooth to Tail Ratio
The U.S. Marine Corps likes to boast about its “tooth to tail” ratio versus the U.S. Army. The tooth being the combat power, the tail…
August 18, 2011
Bright Burns the Candle: The High of Commitment, The Power of a Goal
At the age of 61, Diana Nyad is preparing to do what no one else has done before: Swim from Cuba to Key West, sans…
August 10, 2011
Cafe Gratitude
Cafe Gratitude is a California (of course) vegan restaurant, part of a mini-chain of six, that endeavors to serve up “sunshine and rainbows” with its…
August 8, 2011
Systemize Your Success
“Every activity contains a series of steps that must be completed correctly to be successful. Systemize your success. Identify the critical steps required to complete…
August 2, 2011