NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Motivation

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16 Things Happy People Do Differently

1.  Practice an “Attitude of Gratitude”:  Happy people don’t have the best of everything rather, they make the best of everything. 2.  Re-Frame problems as…

April 16, 2013

Beware Fundamental Attribution Error

Humans tend to explain outcomes in terms of internal factors such as personality abilities as opposed to the external situation. When one basketball player shoots…

April 9, 2013

No Excuses: Lives of Inspiration

On October 5, 1973, a 4-year-old boy named Josh answered his family’s front door in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Ringing the door bell was Basilo Bousa,…

March 19, 2013

How Would Others Rate Your Social Competence?

What is your social competence score? Your social competence is closely related to your EQ, or your emotional quotient. EQ is your ability to a. …

March 5, 2013

“How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character”

“How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character,” by Paul Tough, a former editor at New York Times Magazine, focuses on the…

February 26, 2013

Self Awareness: Super Achiever’s Secret

How do you react when you find an obstacle in your path? Do you focus on external reasons for failure? See outcomes as beyond your…

February 21, 2013

One Hundred Days of Rejection

Jia Jiang is putting himself out there big time. He is making at least one “crazy request” each day for 100 days in order to…

February 14, 2013

Broken Windows: Why the Little Things Can Be Big Things

Some things set the tone for other things. Norms are established, announcing what is accepted or permitted and what is not. Some things can be…

January 31, 2013

Five Power Thoughts for 2013

Every new year I pick five areas to concentrate on, five areas that I believe represent the highest leverage points of personal or professional growth.…

January 8, 2013

2012’s Five: A Look Back

At 60, as I enter the final third of my life, my thoughts dwell more on significance than on success, on spirituality more than materiality.…

January 3, 2013

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is a suggested structure for organizing your thoughts or words to persuade  or inspire folks to take action. Developed by Alan Monroe…

November 15, 2012

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