NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Motivation

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Don’t Let the Other Side Rent Space in Your Head: Winning the Mental Game

I’ve been playing racquetball regularly for more than 30 years and over that time I’ve played a lot of people. One of my regulars is…

May 10, 2011

Obstacles of Our Own Creation

How many of the problems you face today did you have a hand in creating yesterday? Do you engage in any self-sabotaging behavior? Do you…

May 4, 2011

Does Screaming Improve Behavior? An Error in Intuition

In the mid-1960s, Daniel Kahneman, a future Nobel Prize winner in 2002 for Economics, lectured to a group of Israeli air force flight instructors on…

May 3, 2011

Don’t Give In To The Wall

“The wall” has many forms but in essence it is a belief in limits—your limits, others’ limits, the limits of possibility. I took karate while…

April 27, 2011

One Thing Boldly Different Every Day

Lord, I love my routines! I eat at the same place almost every morning. The people there know me and greet me like family. Don’t…

April 26, 2011

Avoiding Path Dependence: Just How Smart Are You?

Path dependence is when we allow ourselves to be locked into future decisions based on a commitment (emotional, financial, etc.) to decisions we made in…

April 11, 2011

In Praise of Incremental Failure

Many of us are afraid of failure. Yet there are certain kinds of “failure” that can be beneficial. I’m defining incremental failure as progress that…

April 4, 2011


Excusitis: Psychological disorder resulting from the need to defer responsibility to anyone or anything other than oneself. This disorder is usually accompanied by rationalization disorder.…

March 10, 2011

Make It a Game

We often know what we should do. But sometimes we are challenged to get ourselves to do as well as we know. Simple solution: Make…

March 8, 2011

The Will to Win is Important, But the Will to Prepare is Vital

“You hit home runs not by chance, but by preparation.” — Roger Maris Many people want to win, but how many are willing to do…

March 1, 2011

All Actions Teach the Belief System That Motivates Them

So what did you teach today? I find this question a powerful behavior modifier. I take my responsibilities as a parent, a role model, a…

February 8, 2011

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