NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Positive Thinking/Visualization

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The River of Life Never Stops Flowing

Happiness is all around us. On those days that happiness is challenging to find, happiness’s close relatives, contentment and serenity, are always available.  When we…

August 6, 2015

Mentor’s Reply to Young Entrepreneur’s Questions

1. What do you think separated you from your fellow investor colleagues and friends in terms of your exponential growth and success? I created an organization;…

August 4, 2015

The Glad Game

Playing the “Glad Game” is the playful practice of ALWAYS looking for the best in each and every situation, seeing the silver lining in every…

July 23, 2015

Three Ways To Find The Bright Side Of Dark Days

Bad things are going to happen; can’t help you there. But I can help you DEAL with the bad stuff. No magic wands, just proven techniques…

July 2, 2015

Cynical Attitude of Negativity = Financial Self Sabotage

“Cynical individuals are more likely to avoid cooperation and trust or to overinvest in monitoring, control, and other means of protection from potential exploitation. As…

June 30, 2015

Vous Allez Trouver Votre Place

Vous allez trouver votre place is a French saying that translates as “you will find your place.” Its message is that there is a purpose…

June 25, 2015

I Don’t get Happy or Sad by the Day

A reporter asked Hank Greenberg, former CEO of AIG, if a certain favorable outcome in a lawsuit had made him happy. Hank replied “What kind…

June 23, 2015

3 Ways to Love Yourself Better

1) Get Your Self Talk on Your Side:  We all have a little voice inside our head that carries on a running internal dialogue. Sometimes…

June 2, 2015

How We Create, How We Choose Our Lives

We often “create” situations in our lives in ways which we are not fully conscious of, particularly when we attract more of what we DON’T…

May 26, 2015

Attract the Life of Your Dreams

Your thoughts are powerful beyond belief. If you choose to start thinking about how your spouse or boss didn’t do this or that, didn’t notice…

May 14, 2015

Life Loves You… But Do YOU Love You?

Loving yourself means more than liking yourself or feeling good about yourself. Those are important, good places to start, but even more important, loving yourself…

May 12, 2015

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