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Simple Ideas, Complex Execution
The secrets to success often lie in plain sight. They are secrets only because we chose to overlook them. Sometimes the most mundane can serve…
November 30, 2010
Today is a New Day…
“Today is a new day and I am a new Nathan, totally free to make new choices.” This is one of my daily affirmations. It…
November 18, 2010
Mental Muscles
About 6 o’clock one recent Saturday morning I went downstairs and did a few reps on a Nautilus machine. The longer I live, the more…
November 9, 2010
Cold Stoves: Learning the Right Lesson
It is said that a cat, once burned on a hot stove, never sits on a hot stove again. But the cat never sits on…
October 26, 2010
Harriet Lerner’s “The Dance of Intimacy”
I began re-reading this old favorite the other day. “The Dance of Intimacy” deals with relationships and the patterns of distancing and pursuit (approach-avoidance behavior)…
October 21, 2010
Never Major in Minor Things
The New York Times recently reported, “In a magazine article seven years ago, the chief executive of the Journal Register Company, the publicly traded newspaper…
October 19, 2010
The Wolf at the Door
What motivates? In the final analysis, pain and pleasure. We move away from pain, we move toward pleasure. There are as many permutations and ramifications…
October 11, 2010
“The Secret Door To Success,” Florence Scovel Shinn
Sometimes that which we most urgently desire, we drive away and that which we most desperately fear, we attract. All of us have seen the…
September 8, 2010
100 percent/zero percent is shorthand for the concept that you should give your all without expectation. Give 100% and expect 0% in return. In high…
September 1, 2010
“How Pleasure Works: The New Science of Why We Like What We Like,” by Paul Bloom
We assume we like things because they feel good and dislike others because they don’t feel good. In other words, pleasure is primarily a response…
August 30, 2010
Feet of Clay? It’s Okay!
People want certainty, they want security. They want to feel that someone really smart, really competent, really capable is in charge. They confuse competence with…
August 25, 2010