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E + P = O
E + P = O stands for “Event + Perception = Outcome” and serves as a reminder of how powerfully our world view and our…
March 7, 2023
Experience Follows Vision
The way we choose so see the world, what aspects we focus on, powerfully impact our experience of the world. Everyone is a complex mixture…
February 16, 2023
Finding the Upside
The words we choose to use, the tone we take: they all speak volumes about us, revealing our world view, our perceptions and interpretations of…
February 14, 2023
Brighten Your World, Become a Pronoid
To be a Pronoid is to be the opposite of paranoid: you approach folks and the world as if they are willing to help and…
February 2, 2023
To Live a Better Life; Avoid These Two All-Too-Common Forms of Self Sabotage
Self-Doubt You must believe in yourself (even if it takes a leap of faith at times!) before others will. Folks tend to sense your self-appraisal…
December 29, 2022
Choose Heaven
More than we often realize, how we choose to view our world shapes our world. The frame we give events, the way we interpret the…
December 15, 2022
Life is often Jolie-Laide, Embrace it!
Jolie-Laide is a French term of affection that translates roughly as Pretty-Ugly and is used to describe something that is unconventionally beautiful. No one’s life…
December 8, 2022
Small Blessings Count Too
Elizabeth Gilbert (‘Eat, Pray, Love’) once said “You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.” I take her words to mean…
November 24, 2022
What Emotional Energy seeds are you planting? For as you Sow, so shall you Reap
If we choose to speak disrespectfully of others (and remember we humans are a sensitive bunch); if we elect to gripe or groan about “how…
November 22, 2022
The Art of Thinking from the End
It is necessary to have an end in mind for without it we drift rudderless on the sea of life. The meaning of life, our…
October 27, 2022
Is Your Dog Happier Than You?
Probably! Let’s think about why that might be… Your dog isn’t dragging the past into the present. Your dog lives serenely in the present moment.…
October 18, 2022